Chapter 1

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Today's the day, I say goodbye to Maryland and my entire childhood, to my friends and family here, to the last home Caleb ever lived in. This is goodbye. This is the start of my new life in Los Angeles with my new friends, everything new. I'm afraid but excited, upset but joyful, nervous but ready.

I finish packing all my things into boxes and load it in the moving truck, it's weird, seeing this room so empty, like all the life's been sucked out of it. And suddenly, I'm having flashbacks to the last time I saw Caleb, so cold and lifeless, not my Caleb. This is really why I needed this, to get away from the bad memories, the tragedies, I will forever keep Caleb with me, but not the Caleb I saw when we were here. Los Angeles is my fresh start, I don't need this place to hold me back all my life, to remind me of what I have lost. So goodbye this place forever.

The last of all the boxes are loaded and I climb into the car with HayHay, she's ecstatic about the new house, the California lifestyle, the beach, and the people she's grown to love being there for the rest of her life. I'm excited to see all my LA friends, Hayden, JoJo, Jayden, Connor, and Mackenzie. They are all so wild, and crazy, and free-spirited like me. I wanted that, to be able to walk around Santa Monica and Venice with friends, then chill at the pier at night. I wanted bonfires on the beach and Disney days with some of the most amazing people in the world. I could have it all there in the city of angels.

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