Chapter 20

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I get home from the beach and run up to my room, ignoring any comments from my mom. She knocks on my door to ask if I was okay and I blow her off. Hayley walks in and jumps on my bed next to me.

Hayley: What's wrong Annie?
Annie: Everything
Hayley: there one thing in particular that really sucks?
Annie: The fact that I thought Hayden loved me
Hayley: Do you want to talk about it?
Annie: I feel like you're expecting a no but i'm gonna say yes.
Hayley: Spill.
Annie: I asked Hayden if he wanted to hang out for the day and he blew me off for "the guys" and when I went to the beach with Jayden I saw him there, holding Lauren's hand.
Hayley: I'll kill him for you
Annie: Let him live knowing that he lost the best thing he would ever have.

There's a knock at the door and I go to answer it. I crack open the door and see Hayden standing there.

Annie: Leave. I don't want to talk to you, I thought I made that clear.
Hayden: You did..but Annie I'm really really sorry.
Annie: If you're as sorry as you say then you would've never cheated on me with her.
Hayden: You know Laurenand I used to have a thing. I guess we just got caught up in old feelings.
Annie: That doesn't excuse the fact that you were with her when we were together!
Hayden: Don't you understand Annie! I love you not her!
Annie: What you have done is unforgivable Hayden!
Hayden: Well I will love you forever and I mean it this time. I will wait for you.
Annie: Don't waste your time.

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