Chapter 18

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It's been six months since Hayden and I started dating and I'm beginning to get worried that he doesn't love me anymore. We used to be inseparable, now we hang out once a week and rarely talk over the phone or text each other. Hayden used to facetime me every night until I fell asleep even if we had seen each other just a few hours before. I didn't want this, to lose someone again, but what did I expect? To live happily ever after with the perfect boy? I'm not that stupid.


Annie: Hey love

Hayden: What's up?

Annie: Do you wanna hang out later?

Hayden: Oh. Sorry Annie but I'm hanging with the guys tonight.

Annie: Okay, maybe tomorrow. I love you ♥

Hayden: Bye.

I decide to call Jayden to hang out and maybe go to the beach to talk over my whole situation regarding Hayden. I know Jayden will listen and tell me what I need to hear, not what I want to hear.

Annie: Hey!

Jayden: Hi!!

Annie: You busy?

Jayden: Nope, Why?

Annie: Wanna head to the beach?

Jayden: Totally! I'll be at your place in 15

Annie: See you in a bit!

I throw on a swimsuit and grab my round beach blanket, toss it into a beach bag and fix my hair into two dutch braids. I rush downstairs and ask Hayley if she wants to come, but she rejects the offer and decides to lounge out by the pool. As I'm running around the house I bump into my mom and tell her that I'm going to the beach with Jayden just as the little ray of sunshine waltzes through my front door.

Jayden: Hi Mrs.Katie!

Mrs.Katie: Hello Jayden.

Annie: Ready?

Jayden: Yep!

Annie: See you later Mommy!

Mrs.Katie: Have fun girls!

Right next to the pier we lay out our towels and begin to bake in the sun. I am contemplating whether I really should tell Jayden how I feel about the whole Hayden problem when she asks me a question.

Jayden: So how are you and Hayden doing?

Annie: Well..

Jayden: Really! It's that bad?

Annie: I feel like he doesn't want to be with me anymore.

Jayden: Oh come on Annie! You're amazing to him, I doubt he would ever want any other girl!

Annie: I don't know, he isn't the same boyfriend he used to be. We were always together, but now he chooses his guys over me.

I see an expression on Jayden I'd never seen before. She was glaring at something behind me with so much anger in her eyes. I began to turn around to see what it was when Jayden grabbed my arm and stopped me.

Annie: What?

Jayden: You don't want to see.

I'm beginning to get worried and scared to turn around. I know it would be easier for me to just listen to Jayden and ignore whatever it was that made her so angry but I can't. As I turned I saw something that I never thought I would...

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