Chapter 26

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I open up my contacts and start a text with Hayden


Annie: Hey

Hayden: Hi

Annie: How are you?

Hayden: Ok, I guess. hbu?

Annie: Alright

Hayden: So...did you want to ask me something?

Annie: Well, i guess.

Hayden: Go ahead

Annie: I wanted to try again

Hayden: Really?

Annie: Yea, would you?

Hayden: We could give it a shot.

Annie: Ok

Hayden: Ok

Annie: Cool

Hayden: I'll be at your house at 8

Annie: Oh, ok

I squeal, Jayden gives me a questionable look. She grabs my phone and reads the texts.

Jayden: What?!

Annie: Yeah

Jayden: Well you'd better start getting ready

Annie: Help me!

We dash up to my room and rummage through my closet like I was going on my first date with him when in reality I could be in sweats with my hair in a messy bun and he wouldn't mind.

Jayden: Can you remind me why we are going through so much trouble for a guy you already dated and knows you better than you know yourself?

Annie: I don't know, guess it's just a thing I do.

Jayden: Okay then weirdo

We finally find the perfect outfit and iron my hair into loose ringlet curls that fall past my shoulders. I'm filled with anticipation for tonight, will we start where we left off or will there be this weird tension in the air? My phone buzzes. No caller ID pops up where the contact name should be, that's weird, I think to myself...

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