Chapter 16

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We finish the day in Venice and the group splits up and heads home, Hayden and I go back to my house. My parents are home but I guess now is as good as a time as any to break the news to them. I honestly don't think they'll mind, they've loved Hayden since we met when I was 12. They know he'll never break my heart.

As we arrive home my parents greet Hay and I as we walk in the door. They stand in the kitchen as I get ready to tell them about my relationship.

Annie: Hey mommy! Hi daddy!
Mrs.Leblanc: Hey Annie Bananie, hi Hayden
Hayden: Hi Mrs.Leblanc, how's your day been?
Mrs.Leblanc: Good Hayden, and yours?
Hayden: Tiring, but fun
Annie: I need to tell you guys something
Mr.Leblanc: Yes Annie?
Annie: So, well here it goes...Hayden and I are dating
Mr.Leblanc: I saw this coming since you were 12, Annie.
Annie: And you're okay with this?
Mrs.Leblanc: Of course we're okay with it, Hayden, you're a sweet boy and we know you would never do anything to hurt our babygirl
Hayden: Never.
Annie: I have to talk to him about something, can we go to my room to talk about it?
Mr.Leblanc: I trust you both, that's fine.

⚠️Disclaimer⚠️: The following content does have to do with more serious content. If you are younger please use discretion if choosing to continue on with the chapter.

We run up to my room and I plop down onto my bed and Hayden jumps onto my bean bag chair. Before telling him everything I need to tell him I have to prepare myself first. I haven't talked to anyone about the problems I've faced for almost 6 years. Hayden would be the first person to ever know.

Annie: Caleb and I were close, he was my best friend. We would do anything for eachother, make sacrifices for each other no one could ever imagine. I would die for Caleb, he was the very thing that made me smile every day. I could go from being the most depressing, upset, broken, hurt person in the world, but like that Caleb could make me the happiest, brightest, most energetic ray of sunshine that ever existed. But when he died-
Hayden: If it's hard for you, you don't have to talk about it.
Annie: When he died I was thrown into a depression that no pain or hurt could ever compare to. My favorite person in the world was completely gone. No undoing what had happened, only a miracle of God could fix it. As I prayed and prayed that he would wake-up I began to hurt more when prayers weren't answered. The day after his death was even harder, I had lost all faith that I would ever have my bubba back again. The pain got worse, worse than the day before and that didn't seem possible. I pushed people away from me and sat in my room and cried, I thought I would get lucky and drown in my tears because I didn't think I had anything left to live for. I wanted to die. If my brother's time was up it had to be it for me too, because what's the point of living if it's living in pain. I have never understood the part of the Bible that says if you take your own life, that you will not go to Heaven, but you would burn in hell. And so I got up and went to the medicine cabinet in my parents bathroom and grabbed the pill bottle out of the cupboard. I stared at the bottle in my hand and whispered to myself, "I'm coming Bubba." as I started to open the bottle Katie walked in and said, "Annie, no. I can't lose you too. I love you Annie, Caleb would want you to be happy for him, up in Heaven with the Big Guy" she wrapped me up in her arms and held me while I was crying. It got easier as time passed and the pain went away, I started appreciating everything I had even more. Hayley and I got closer than ever and now I have you. The most perfect and amazing blessing in my life. You're a gift from God, He still loves me cause he put you in my life. I love you Hayden! Don't ever leave me, don't leave me like Caleb did. Caleb didn't want to but he had done his job here. He made people smile and be happy. You're job can't be done yet. You still got me.
Hayden: I will NEVER leave you Annie. I love you!
Annie: I will never leave you. I love you to the moon and back!

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