Chapter 14

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Once we're done at California Adventure we make our way to Disneyland and immediately run to the castle to take a bunch of photos before the park became to crowded and people would get in the way.

JoJo: These photos are going to be goals!

Kenzie: Totally!

Annie: We need a group picture!

Everyone agrees and we manage to prop up JoJo's phone and snap the pic, it turns out great and we all take our own pictures for Instagram and Snapchat. I jump on Hayden's back for a pic and post it to insta, the comments blow up. Most of the comments are Hannie related, but some are hateful and are telling me to stay away from Hayden. I ignore the mean comments and focus on my friends and amazing boyfriend.

Throughout the day we make our way through lines and rides. Several fans approach us and take pictures, and my notifications continue to blow up. As we sit down for lunch I take a glance at my phone and see an excessive amount of hate. I'm used to hate but I've never had so much because of a few posts with my first boyfriend. I didn't think it would be such a big deal to everyone, it's not like Kenz had any reason to be irritated with me so her fans had no reason to attack me. Macky and Johnny are happy together, so I read through some of the comments to see how they decided to criticize me now. To my surprise they all were defending Lauren, Johnny's sister.

Annie: Hayden, are you seeing these?

Hayden: Lauren? We don't like each other though!

Annie: That's not what they think.

Johnny: What about Lauren?

Hayden: Ans is getting a bunch of hate comments saying that I'm Lauren's.

Jayden: Fangirls can be so cruel.

JoJo: Don't let it get to you girly!

Annie: Thanks Jo!

My friends always will have my back, even if it's because of some stupid haters telling me that I don't deserve a guy. Everyday I know more and more that I've finally found my place in this terrifying world. 

Sorry for such a terrible chapter but I wanted to post something for you guys, I'll try to upload another today-xoxo Dreamer

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