Chapter 24

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This draws gasps from everyone. Jay and Kenz give me the "what are you thinking" look and I mouth to them that I know what I'm doing. Brennan looks at me with concern.

Brennan: What are you doing?

Annie: Just trust me.

Brennan: Okay.

He let's go of my hand and I walk out the front door, Hayden following. The door closes behind us and I nervously begin to talk to him.

Annie: Hayden, I get it. You're mad, but that doesn't mean you should act like this.

Hayden: Well when the girl I'm still in love with walks in with her new boyfriend all happy and okay, I'm going to be mad.

Annie: He makes me happy Hayden.

Hayden: I've done that before, I could do it again, please give me a second chance!

Annie: I hate to admit that it has been hard without you, but then Brennan showed up and I love him

As the words spilled out of my mouth I began to believe them. Maybe I did love Bren, I always cared about him and thought of him as one of my best friends. Could he be more to me?

Hayden: So you two really are a thing?

Annie: At first it was just to make you jealous, but I don't know now. It's complicated.

Hayden: There was nothing complicated about us.

Annie: You did what you did, and because of it I won't ever be able to think of you like that again. Maybe friends one day, but you really hurt me.

Hayden: And I'll regret my decision for the rest of my life Annie

Annie: I'm sorry Hayden. I can't be with you.

I walked back in the house and grabbed my friends so we could leave. As soon as I stepped in the door Kenz ran up to me and gave me a huge hug.

Kenzie: I'm so proud of you

Annie: For what?

Kenzie: How you handled it all

Jayden: Might I add you totally handled it like a boss.

Annie: Wait, you guys were listening?!

Katie: Yup. And what?!?!

Annie: Uuuhhhh

Katie began to whisper yell so no one else would hear us.

Katie: You like Brennan?!

Annie: I don't know, maybe.

Katie: Ew, but lowkey y'all are so adorable together.

Annie: Speaking of which, where is he? Did he hear to?

Katie: Weeelllllll, yes he heard and after you told Hayden you weren't going to be with him he walked outside to the backyard.

Annie: Why?

Katie: I dunno

Kenzie: Here he comes, we'll let you guys talk.

Brennan: Hey

Annie: Hey

Brennan: So

Annie: Yea

Brennan: You wanna talk about this at home?

Annie: Sure.

We leave and drive back to my house. Kenz and Jayden stay the night and Brennan and Katie are staying at my house until we leave for college. The girls run into the home theater and Brennan and I stay in the kitchen to talk. Everyone in the house is asleep besides the five of us so it's safe in the kitchen to talk.

Annie: I guess I might have feelings for you.

Brennan: I think I might feel the same.

Annie: Really?

Brennan: Yeah.

Annie: So, do you want to maybe go out with me?

Brennan: Shouldn't I be the one to ask you out?

Annie: Nope, a girl can ask a guy out too.

Brennan: True, true

He stands beside me as we walk to the theater room hand in hand. I open the door and all our friends stare our way.

Jayden: So I see you two are a thing.

Brennan: Guess you could say that.

He plants a kiss on my forehead and we sit next to our friends, watching the movie. Maybe it was fate that Brennan and I ended up together, but who knows. This could all go wrong in six months.

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