Chapter 13

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I hear a knock at my door and Jayden runs and opens it to let the rest of our friends in. Hayden greets me with a hug right before his dad walks in. My parents come down stairs and say hi to all of my friends. I say goodbye to Hayley and my parents then climb in the car to head to Disney.

In the car, I sit in the back next to JoJo and Jayden. Mackenzie is next to Johnny and Connor while Hayden sits shotgun. The radio blares and we all sing along, some better than others *haha*. I scroll through Instagram and look at all the #Hannie posts, I never like them cause my parents run my page and I don't want them to find out about us, but they're so fun to look through. I want my parents to know about my relationship, I'm 17 but my parents are still super protective of me and I don't know how they would feel about me dating.

Soon we arrive at Downtown Disney and jump out of the car, Mr. Summerall stays with us until we're in the park and then leaves. We walk to the security gates and they check our bags and let us through. California Adventure is our first stop for the day, barely anyone is here because it's the middle of the school week and it's pretty early. All of us run to California Screamin'. Eventually we get to hop on the ride, it counts down to launch and we're zooming through the ride. The loop and several drops send butterflies in my stomach. I'm gripping Hayden's hand for dear life and he laughs at my shouts and hollers. The ride ends and we run back in line for a second round.

After we finish California Screamin' we go on the Toy Story ride and JoJo wins, Connor gets second place, and Johnny wins third. As we leave the ride some fans notice us and run up and ask for a picture. After about 10 minutes of taking picture they leave and we rush over to Bigfoot Rapids. There's no line so we walk right onto the ride. I get the dryest seat in hopes of not getting completely soaked. As the ride goes on the boys get splashed and become soaked. When the drop comes I'm stuck backwards and scream, I barely get wet and the ride comes to an end. Leaving the ride we try to decide on the next attraction to see.

Mackenzie: Where do you guys want to go next?

Johnny: Let's do the cars ride.

Jayden: I love that ride!

JoJo: Last one there's a rotten egg!

We all race to the ride and hop in line. There's not a long line so we wait about 15 minutes until we step into our car. In my car there's Hayden, Connor, Jayden, and Me and in the other car there's Johnny, Kenzie and JoJo. The ride starts and we're winning until JoJo's team catches up to us. By the end of the ride we had come in first place, after the ride we decide to eat at Boudins. After we finish eating we plan to head to Disneyland. 

I'm so very sorry for not posting much, I'm working on it but this is only the first half of Disney Day so come back for the update

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