Chapter 22

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At the door, with suitcases at their sides stands Katie and Brennan. I run up and hug them both, overjoyed that they were here.

Katie: Hey Cali Kid!

Annie: What are you guys doing here?!

Katie: We wanted to visit you...and maybe stay awhile.

Annie: How long will you guys be here?

Katie: How does the next four years sound? 

Annie: Perfect!! Why?

Brennan: College

Katie: Yep! The rest of our stuff is getting shipped here 

Annie:Yay, y'all will be here for a while!!Oh, and this is Jayden and Mackenzie, I think you guys have met Jayden before, but not Kenz.

Kenzie: Nice to meet you guys!

Jayden: Annie, you wanna invite them to the party?

Annie: Oh! That's right, we're going to my friend Lexi's party at 2 if you guys wanna come?

Katie: That'd be fun, right Brennan?

Brennan: Yeah.

Mrs. Leblanc: How bout you show them around the house first Annie?

Annie: Okay!

We finish the house tour and go back to my room to get ready. Halfway through putting together outfits Jayden jumps in the air and shouts!

Jayden: I have an idea!

Annie: What?

Jayden: So you know how Hayden's bringing Lauren?

Annie: Yeah.

Jayden: Well what if you bring Brennan as you're "date"?

Kenzie: You are a genius Jayden!

As Brennan hears his name he looks up from his phone and starts to pay attention to the conversation.

Katie: Who's Lauren?

Annie: The girl Hayden was secretly dating when he was dating me too.

Katie: Oh! I'm caught up now.

Brennan: So I'm gonna act as your boyfriend to make Hayden jealous?

Annie: Pretty Please Brennan!

Brennan: Fine, but only cause it's for you

Annie: Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

I run over to Brennan and give him a huge hug for doing this for me. Hayden will never see it coming.

For the purpose of this book, Brennan is only a year older than Annie and her friends

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