Chapter 23

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We finish getting ready for the party and head out. Jayden runs over the plan one more time before we leave the car to ensure we make Hayden regret what he did as much as possible. 

Jayden: Okay. So you walk in there like the boss you are and show him what he lost Ans. Plus you're an actor, just act as cute as a couple as the Brannie edits make you guys seem.

Annie: Let's hope it's as easy as you make it sound Jay

Brennan: Seriously

Kenzie: You guys will do fine

Katie: You have to sell it and really look in love.

Annie: Okay, let's do it then.

Katie, Kenzie, and Jayden go in before Brennan and I to make sure that Hayden would see my entrance with a new guy and hopefully get crazy jealous. I get a text from Katie telling us to come in.


Katie: Him and Lauren are right by the door, come in.

Annie: Okay

We leave the car and Brennan holds my petite hand in his. As we approach the house I become filled with nerves. Brennan calms me down and opens the door for me. Immediately Lexi greets me with a hug and asks about Brennan.

Lexi: So glad you could make it!

Annie: Of course! Thanks for inviting me!

Lexi: Who's this?

Annie: This is my boyfriend, Brennan

Brennan: Nice to meet you.

Lexi It's a pleasure to meet you! Well have fun guys!

Annie: Thanks Lex!

As we head towards our friends I see Hayden and Lauren staring at Brennan and I. I make it a point to look as confident as possible when he sees me. Katie, Kenzie, and Jayden freak when I come over to them.

Katie: You guys did great!

Kenzie: You should have seen his face when you walked through that door!

Jayden: You totally sold the whole couple thing, everyone's eyes were on you when you came in.

Annie: Is that a good thing?

Katie: That's a great thing!

Brennan: He's coming over here.

I turn to see him and Lauren walking over to where my group and I stand. Instead of getting overwhelmed by nervousness I turn around and shock him by starting the conversation before he could.

Annie: Hey Hayden. Lauren.

Hayden: Hi Annie. Who are you?

Brennan: I'm Brennan.

Lauren: Hi

Annie: Where's your brother Lauren?

Lauren: I don't know, I would've thought he would be with Mackenzie.

Kenzie: I dumped him.

Lauren: Oh, you're here.

Kenzie: The same to you

Jayden: Let's go over here Kenz. Kate come with?

Katie: We'll be right here if you need us Ans.

Annie: Okay.

Hayden: So where are you from Brennan?

Brennan: Maryland

Lauren: What are you doing here?

Brennan: I'm attending USC in the fall

Hayden: Cool, how do you know Annie?

Annie: We've been best friends since I was really little and when he moved out here a few weeks ago we started dating.

Lauren: Oh, you guys are a couple?

Brennan: Yep!

I could see the anger behind Hayden's deep brown eyes. The goal was accomplished, but I'm starting to think this plan worked too well. Hayden starts to get a bit loud and rowdy. He really hates the fact that I'm happy with someone that isn't him.

Hayden: Who do you think you are?! Walking in and taking someone elses girl!

Everyone is watching us now and Katie walks next to Brennan and puts her hand on his shoulder, almost like she knew that small action would keep Brennan from completely blowing up on Hayden. Brennan stays calm and keeps himself in check while Hayden continues to yell.

Brennan: You aren't with her anymore though Hayden.

Hayden: I still love her and she knows it! And I bet if you ask her she'll say she loves me too!

Annie: I don't Hayden! After what you did to me, I could never love you the way I did. You're a liar and a cheater. I will never love you again.

At this point tears are trickling from my eyes and Kenzie and Jayden have come to my side. Everyone at the party stands around wondering what will happen next. Carson and Conner make their way to Hayden's side, in hopes of preventing him from doing something stupid. Lauren is a mess and runs upstairs, Tati following behind her.

Carson: You know what Hayden, we can go outside and talk about it.

Conner: Let's just go outback and cool off.

Hayden: I don't need to go outside! I need my girlfriend back!

Carson: We get it, it's hard but you made a mistake. We all do, we're human. So let's go outside and talk about it.

Conner: Don't sacrifice your reputation over this.

Brennan: Do you want to talk to me?

Hayden: I would never want to talk to you!

In order to defuse this situation I knew I had to do the most detrimental thing I could do to myself. This could mean I fall back into Hayden's trap, but I just have to remember what he did to me.

Annie: you want to talk to me?

Super long chapter guys, hope it makes up for all the times I went weeks without updating, xoxo

PS. The Conner in this chapter is Conner Shane, not the Conner as in #Cayden

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