Chapter 11

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Soon we arrive at my house and rush up to my room to plan our Disney Day tomorrow.

Jayden: We can all wear black jeans, red shoes and a black or white shirt?

Annie: And we can't forget the mickey ears!

Hayden: Isn't it gonna be really hot tomorrow?

Jayden: Oh, that's right! Then just wear whatever black pants.

Mackenzie: How should I do my hair tomorrow then?

JoJo: You could do dutch braids.

Mackenzie: Smart, we're probably gonna be running around a lot.

Annie: I wish I could dutch braid!

Mackenzie: I can come over before we leave and help you get ready

Annie: Awe, thanks Kenz!

We plan out our day and run downstairs to get food. The foods are brought to the home movie theater and we watch the new Beauty & The Beast. Hayden holds my hand in his and I rest my head on his shoulder. We jump out of our seats when songs we know come on and sing along while making dramatic motions with our hand. Song's like Days in the Sun and Evermore come on and I want to cry at how emotional the scene is and Hayden comforts me more. I love how he knows exactly what I need when I need it. He's the guy of my dreams and he loves me, and I couldn't ask for more!

As the movie comes to an end the gang has to head home so we can be up early to drive out to Disneyland. Hayley runs into the theater after all my friends are gone and asks me a question.

Hayley: Hi Ans

Annie: Hey H$, what's up?

Hayley: So I gotta question for ya.

Annie: Ookaayyy?

Hayley: Are you dating Hayden?

Annie: Um. Maybe.

Hayley: Don't worry, I won't say anything to mom and dad.

Annie: Thanks HayHay! You should be getting to bed, you've got a full day ahead tomorrow with Txunamy

Hayley: Goodnight Annie Bananie! I love you!

Annie: I love you Hayley  

I'm sorry for not updating, but I'm very busy with school. I'll try and upload once a week. Big things are going to start happening for Hayden and Annie so keep reading to see what happens. 

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