Chapter 15

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I'm exhausted from yesterday but it's time to get ready for Venice and have another great day with my squad. As I get ready Hayley comes in and asks if we can talk. We sit on my bed and I ask her what's wrong.

Hayley: So I met a boy.

Annie: And you like this boy?

Hayley: Yup. But I don't know what to do about it, I mean you just got your first boyfriend and you're 17, I'm only 13. Mom and dad will never be okay with me having a boyfriend.

Annie: Well, I can have a talk with them if you want, or you can talk to 'em about it.

Hayley: I'll talk to mom first, she'll understand.

Annie: Oh, that's right. I should seriously tell them about me and Hayden.

Hayley: THought you didn't them to know about it.

Annie: They're gonna find out sooner or later.

Hayley: Good luck sis!

Annie: Same to you, now I gotta get ready!

Hayley: Where you goin?

Annie: Beach, wanna come?

Hayley: Thanks, but Ima call Txunamy and see if she wants to come over!

Annie: Okay, love you! Have fun!

Hayley: Love you more!

Annie: Love you most!

Hayley: Impossible!!!

After the convo with H$ I grab my things I'll need for the day and wait for my friends to show up to head to Venice. Once they arrive I grab my bag and we make our way to our destination.

On the walk Hayden and I stroll hand in hand down the street with our friends and talk about how we're supposed to officially tell our fans and parents about it. Neither of us can come up with a good idea that will ensure that we stay together and get the least amount of hate as possible, some will come at Hayden saying that I should be with Brennan and people come at me saying that Hayden should be with Jayden, Kenzie, or Lauren. They come up with anyone else beside the one person we actually are with to try and break us apart. Even though they want us to break up there are so many #Hannie shippers that keep us fighting strong and our love for eachother that keeps us together no matter the amount of hate we get.

Hayden: I love you

Annie: And I will love you, unconditionally, forever and an eternity.

After walking for minutes in silence, except for the white noise of our friends chatter and laughter I ask Hayden a question that's been on my mind.

Annie: Do you ever wonder why? Why we love each other so much even though we're only kids?

Hayden: Annie I love you because I could watch you for a single minute and find a thousand things that I love about you

Annie: And I truly love you because God knew my heart needed you, so he put you in my life and filled the hole that was left when Caleb died. Can we talk when we get back to my place today, after hanging out with the dorks.

Hayden: Of course sweet!

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