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"How you guys doin?" Shane asked rather chirpy as he stepped over buried branches and rocks to reach them on the small pier by the lake.

Everyone looked rather uncomfortable at him approaching, no one quite knew what to say or do right now. Daryl looked the least impressed and rightly so, last time Daryl was here Shane wanted a fight with him. Olivia could feel the tension forming.

"How did you know we were here?" T quizzed wondering if Rick being the nice guy he was had messaged him giving him a heads up "just figured" Shane replied, he slowed his steps as he got to the group and stood ready to turn and walk back on himself should he not be wanted. Everyone seemed to turn to Olivia as if if was her choice. She wanted to tell him to go fuck himself for humiliating her and wasting her time as her boyfriend throughout highschool but she couldnt, he was still Rick and T's friend and like she had explained to Daryl once or twice before she never loved Shane enough to be hurt by him being around her.

"Want a beer?" Olivia suggested awkwardly breaking the silence, she could almost hear the group blow out a sigh of relief as she welcomed him. Rick tossed him a beer and Shane quickly opened it allowing the fizz to overpour onto the floor.

"Dont be mad at me" she whispered to Daryl who had turned from the group to light another cigarette "shit always happens when he is around" Daryl growled, Olivia couldnt deny that wasnt the truth "i'll go home with you now I dont care" she suggested tugging at his arm "no, its fine sweetheart, he just pisses me off is all" Daryl reassured her, he squeezed her hand to make her see he was not mad at her, but it wasnt a nice position to be in right now, her friends still had ties with Shane even if she didnt and her current boyfriend didnt like him and vice versa.

Olivia knew Daryl need a minute by himself to brace for what mood Shane had arrived in and joined the others as they spoke to him. "Looking good Princess" Shane spoke shooting his famous grin that once used to win her over, she didnt respond making it clear his comment was not welcome. She was relieved when she knew Daryl hadnt heard it, at least the fight wouldnt erupt right that second.

"Have you spoke to Andrea?" Lori almost snapped the question at him, her arms were folded and she stomped her foot on the ground, Shane's smile left his face quicker than it arrived "she dont wanna talk" he replied looking past the group towards the lake.

Daryl flicked his cigarette and joined the group standing beside Olivia, he and Shane shared a stand off nod before Shane carried on "I called her a few times yesterday, she dont wanna know" he sighed "what are you two gunna do?" Olivia asked, the group looked at her as she was so blunt but she was fed up beating around the bush on the subject.

Shane looked guilty, he rubbed his head over "I'll do the right thing I suppose" he shrugged. Lori scoffed at his response "You got her knocked up, stand by her for gods sake" she scolded him making Shane widen his eyes and raise his voice "I am jesus! She wont answer my calls so what more can I do?!" He snapped in response raising his voice.

"Maybe this isnt the time or the place" Daryl interjected with Rick's agreement "yea, this is between you and Andrea" he added.

Lori shook her head but reluctantly piped down even though she wanted to scream at him, and Andrea for that matter.

Eventually the tension faded and the group sat and laughed like there was never an issue with Shane and Olivia. It was nice, Olivia couldnt help smirk at Daryl's facial expressions from time to time if Shane said something. But Shane's were the same if Daryl spoke.

Olivia nudged Daryl to gain his attention, she wanted to go home, she was tired and wanted nothing more than to cuddle up to him and fall asleep in front of the TV.

The pair said their goodbyes and Olivia dusted her skirt down from the sandy dirt on it when Shane called her back. Rolling her eyes her and Daryl stopped in their tracks to face him. "Can I speak to you alone?" He asked flashing his famous cheeky smirk. She pulled a face "come on dude, leave it be" she sighed showing her frustration "please" he asked, still smirking. She bit the inside of her lip as she waited impatiently for him to speak. Shane looked to Daryl to walk away and he purposely made a point of moving away only a matter of inches making Olivia smile at his protectiveness and slight pettiness for Shane.

"What is it?" She asked "I never got to say sorry" he began making Olivia raise a brow "I was a shitty boyfriend to you and i never deserved you but im sorry about Andrea, she was your friend and I went over the line, I know you were never happy with me like you are with him" he spoke eyeballing over at Daryl "I guess what i'm trying to say is I never appreciated you when I should have and now i've lost my chance" he sighed regretfully. Olivia blushed "its fine Shane" she gave his bicep a friendly pat "I hope whatever you do with Andrea works out" she smiled before nodding for her and Daryl to leave.

"You okay?" He asked stroking the small of her back. Leaning into him she replied "never better"


The Cheerleader •Daryl Dixon AU•Where stories live. Discover now