2. Sparkly pen written love notes

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Pov: Vic.

I sat in the corner of my very first class of the day, listening to Mr. Lawler's facts about the second world war. Though I didn't exactly need to be listening, I'd already studied this in grade 5. Not that I had to, I just found it interesting. Some called me a massive nerd because of it, but I didn't mind. In fact, I took it as more of a compliment than an insult. Nerds were smart, right? So, the joke was on them, they were basically just calling me smart! Ha ha ha!

I really need some friends. 

My focus shifted down towards the ripped out bit of paper Jenna had given me, as she'd instructed me what to write on it. I had done as she'd asked. On the back of the paper read the name, Kellin, and on the front:

Want to be my Valentine?
- Vic xo

Pathetic, wasn't it? I was still debating in my mind whether or not I should actually pass the note on to him, considering the odds of him just laughing at me were probably beyond the chance of likely. It was then Jenna's words rung through my head again. 

"If you never try, you'll never know." 

A tinge of confidence randomly shot through my veins, and I was just about to pass the note to the flawlessness who sat a mere space across from me, when a loud groan came from his lips, stopping me from doing so. I guess this could wait a little longer. 

Pov: Kellin. 

Seated at my usual spot up the front of the class, I paid no attention to Mr. Lawler as he attempted to teach. What a bore this guy was. With googly glasses hung limply on his nose, a fat belly constantly jiggling with every move he made, an unattractive bald patch accompanying the top of his head, words flew from his mouth in a dull tone.

I groaned in exaggeration. The class laughed, and I grinned from ear to ear, loving how popular I was. It gave me so much power; I lived for it. Mr. Lawler turned to me, a glare on his face and a thick sense of wrath in his eyes. 

"Mr. Bostwick-"

"Quinn." I don't know how many times I've had to correct him. 

"Mr. Quinn, would you mind explaining to me why you chose to interrupt my class?" 

I decided to be blunt and honest like I always was. 

"Sir, I haven't interrupted the class, I've done them all a favour! These guys don't want to hear you babbling on about pointless shit. They have lives to get back to, girlfriends and boyfriends to fuck, weed to smoke! They don't care about world war 2, for christ's sake. When will you fucking teacher's get that through your thick skulls? The only person in this room who would be listening to you teach—is Vic. Because unlike the rest of us, he's a fucking loser."

I finished with a simple fact, and as soon as I did, everyone applauded me. Except Vic, the sensitive fag actually looked kind of hurt, but I showed no sympathy. As stated before, he was a loser. And I didn't care for losers.

"Mr. Bostwick! Get out of my classroom and march yourself right on up to the principles office! I will not tolerate this sort of behaviour!"


With a groan, I dragged myself from my desk. This had happened a million times before, I knew the drill. But as I took a step towards the door, something on the desk beside me caught my attention. I'm known to be the biggest sticky beak in the world, always needing to know what was going on in everybody's life, even the people I didn't like. Because any sort of drama I fucking loved, it gave me entertainment, and I always needed to be entertained. So when I saw some scribbled words on a piece of paper that lay on Vic's desk, I had to know what they read. 

"What's this, loser?" I snatched the note from his desk before the fag could even function what was going on. Fear grew in his eyes as he tried to grab the paper back off of me. Ooh, private note, huh? This should be fun to read. My eyes gazed over the pink, glittery words on the paper with eagerness. 

Want to be my Valentine?
- Vic xo 

So the nerd had his eyes set on a girl. Hm, I wonder which one of the sluts in this class he was going for. When I turned the piece of paper around hearing Vic yell, "no, please don't!" my question had been answered. 


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