27. Dawn of the Fairies

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i woke up feeling rly sick and my body is not co-operating today fs, 
clearly my sudden sickness didn't want you guys to get this update -- thanks for ruining my capability to write today, you fucking asshole.


♧ weeks later / / July 19th, 2001   

Pov: Vic.


It's been four weeks since Oli apologized for the things he said, cleared everything up with me and tried to make things okay again. He knocked on my door the following day to take me to school, and Mike almost had a fit.

But Oli explained, he explained everything in perfect detail. He told me, that while it technically was him talking to me on the phone, mentally, it was a completely different person. Gracing my skin with the side of his hand, he gazed down at me and told me the things he said were complete, and utter, lies.

Tears disrupting my vision, I instantly felt confused. If he didn't mean those things, why would he say them? It didn't make sense to me, not at all. So, I asked him, I asked him the question pouring through my mind, and with a dejected sigh, he gave me the honest truth, "I was on drugs."  

Mike's extra hesitant about allowing me to date Oli now, he constantly reminds me he thinks it isn't a good idea. Once, he even threatened to tell our parents and see what they would think about it, but I stopped him. Because, well, I have feelings for Oli. Strong ones, too. And if I can help him to abandon his nasty habits, everything will be just fine. I'm sure of it. 

Pov: Kellin. 

"Kellin, would you like to say grace?" My mother asked me from the left side of the breakfast table. My cheek was rested against the palm of my hand and with extremely heavy eyes, I was sadly looking down at my bacon and egg filled plate, my mind any where but there, which meant I didn't take notice of my mother's question. 

"Kellin." She stated again. Shooting back into the reality of my seemingly-perfect-but-still-not-so-perfect life, my head bolted up and I exclaimed in a rushed tone, knowing what my mom had asked immediately, "Sorry. Dear heavenly father, we thank you for this food, and we pray today will be a mighty splendid one. Amen." I finished, afterwards mumbling about how stupid the "giving thanks" concept was. Luckily, my parents didn't hear.

Everyone started eating, all except one. Little old me. Normally, I'd be happy to eat something so delicious and beautiful looking, bacon and eggs were my favorite, after all. But today, I was sad, way too sad to even think about doing anything other than wallowing in my own self pity.

Vic had ignored me for weeks on end, he didn't sit with my group anymore, he never answered my calls, and not once had he so much as given me a second glance in the hallways. I guess, this is what it feels like to be invisible to someone you like. I don't like it, it fucking sucks. I've never had a crush before, but I feel sorry for all the people who have, because honestly, they make your life a fucking hell.

Whenever I catch a glance of Oli picking Vic up from the gate, everyday after school, my heart pangs with those three little emotions I mentioned before, Jealousy being the strongest of the trio. Especially when Oli gives the gesture of a kiss. Even if it's only a quick peck on the cheek, it kills me inside because I want to be the one to giving Vic kisses, not him! Not that skinny excuse of a party going, cigarette smoking, butt munching, glassy eyed, tea drinking, fantasy novel reading, Stocksbridge idiot! UGH!  

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