24. Chewbacca needs a makeover

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Pov: Vic.

M o n d a y. The day always drags on much longer than the word. I have never been excited for Monday, ever. I would have been excited for it today, in the circumstance that Oli attended the Mission Bay campus, but unfortunately, he doesn't. He goes to Stocksbridge, which is all the way across town, which sucks. Quite a lot.

The only good thing about this morning was the fact Oli offered to take me to school, in his car that's way too alluring, with it's glistening doors, clear and sheen windows, comfortable leather seating, it basically screams the word perfect, and so does it's owner.

I really need to start cutting down on lame, cheesy thoughts.

"Alright, we're here," Oli sighed as the vehicle came to a stop, right in front of the school, or in other words: Prison yard. I glanced at him, a defeated look plastered on each of our faces because we knew there was no way in hell we could spend the day together, "You're still coming over this afternoon, right?" Oli asked, with hope he didn't really need, because the answer was a definite yes.

"Of course," I smiled, and he did too, but as I was about to leave the car, he held an arm around my shoulder and exclaimed in a serious tone, "Just, one more thing before you go. Don't let Quinn boss you around anymore, okay? If he asks you to do something, I'm trusting that you'll say no. Show 'im he can't always get what he wants, don't let 'im take advantage of you anymore. Can you do that for me?"

I took a deep breath, and eventually exhaled in a slightly shaky manner. Sure, I'd grown a tinge of confidence around Kellin other times, and put him in his place. But, I'm not sure about following up those acts around all of his friends, Heaven's knows what they would do to me... But, this is something Oli wants me to do, right? I want to make him happy...     

"Okay," Finally, I said, which made him smile, "Good. I'll pick you up after school, yeah?" 

I gave him an enthusiastic nod, and with that, I stepped outside and prepared myself for my day, brushing any dust off my jeans and adjusting my bag onto my shoulder. Soon, I heard Oli's car come to a start, and, turning around, I saw him give me one last wave through the window before his car sped off down the empty street, getting smaller and smaller the further it went until eventually, the sight of it was gone completely, leaving me disappointed.

Pov: Kellin.

"Kellin, could you kindly raise your head from your desk and pay attention to the lesson." Miss Marlin questioned from above me, though her tone came out as more of a statement, a firm one. She can go get fucked by Chewbacca, because there is no way, I'm lifting my head, from this desk. Why? Because I'm fucking crying. Why am I crying? Because of Vic fucking Fuentes. If I lift my head, everyone's going to notice the fact that I'm crying, and, they wouldn't dare say it, but they'd think I was a fag.

 Which, I guess I am, but they don't need to know that. 

"Fuck you, miss." I slowly retaliated, hoping to God the tear struck tone in my voice wasn't too noticeable. I heard a strong sigh, before she continued talking to the class. Surprising, normally, I would receive a detention. I guess it was my lucky d- 

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