25. Acts of a pubescent Drama Queen

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i apologize in advance for any offence kellin may cause to british people in this chapter


Pov: Vic.

With another day passing by slowly, the only positive thought occupying my mind, really, was seeing Oli after school. The bell had just rung to signal lunch brake, and with each second that drifted by I found myself more and more anxious to see him. Four more hours, and then you're out of here, I smiled at the thought.

Adjusting my bag onto my shoulder for the millionth time today, I trailed along those all too familiar school hallways and eventually, my hand rose to the heavy cafeteria doors, pushing them open with an amount of effort.

When the bright, vivid environs spilled into my vision, was when I cursed at the question of where I was going to sit. I couldn't sit with Kellin and his friends, it's no secret that they hate my guts for my sudden rejection to his 'orders' this morning, so sitting at their table would prosper in awkwardness. I'd probably even get myself beaten up, who knows.

So, sitting with Jenna and Tony again, I suppose, is the right choice, because I want to avoid Kellin, and anything to do with him, as much as I can. Walking over to our usual table near the end of the spacious ambiance, confusion soon brimmed over me as I noticed the duo, was now a trio. My brother was sitting where I usually sat. As my moving feet came to a pause, I glanced down at him only to form seven simple words, spoken with attitude, "what are you doing in my seat?"

His darkly shaded brown eyes, similiar to my own, glanced up at me and an annoyed appearance instantly glided upon them while he rose his voice at me, his hand raising only to be slammed back down onto the cafeteria table, "Okay, you little shit, I've had just about enough of your sassy attitude towards me!" 

I scoffed, "sass? I don't know what you're talking about," With a rolling of my eyes, I placed myself onto the spot beside Jenna, my arms crossing together below my chest, which succeeded in making Mike groan, "don't play dumb. It's that Kellin kid, isn't it? He's doing this to you!"

I immediately flinched at the mention of the name. The mention of the name which, only prospered in reminiscing my mind to this morning, again. And it's only now that I'm starting to feel bad for yelling. The look on his face definitely was the opposite of content, I remember catching a glimpse of hurt in his eyes, pure hurt, like... What I was doing actually pained him. He couldn't like me that much, could he?

"Actually," Clearing the knot tousled within my throat, eyes glancing down at my jeans, to the enclosed rips mama had knitted back together, I suddenly fell back into my quiet state again, "That won't be a problem anymore. I- I don't think I'm going to be hanging out with him much, a-anymore."

In that moment, Jenna, Mike and Tony had smiles drawn onto their faces, and with big, curious eyes, I glanced around at each of them, "what?"

"Oh, nothing," Jenna's smile raised up high as she took her burger between her hands, "we're just glad you're finally coming to your senses, is all."

Pov: Kellin.

During school hours, I decided to do the daring and leave the campus, to take a walk through the empty streets of town. I just walked straight out, and no teachers saw, so that was a plus. With my feet toddling along the path, which was now slowly starting to clear from the thick whiteness that is snow, I let my thoughts wonder to Vic, yet again.

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