21. Ur a n00b

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this is just a filler c-: 
✧ alan is introduced, wew

Pov: Austin. 

"Your hard-drive makes my space ship want to go into a spaceport." I rose an eyebrow at, possibly the biggest nerd on the planet spinning around in my computer chair, "wouldn't that be a good pick up line?" He added, complemented by a laugh that could only be held by a typical loser, snorting as his oversized glasses slid down the bridge of his nose.

Alan Ashby, oh boy is he lucky he doesn't go to my school, because honestly, this kid would make Vic look cool. I've known the strange ginger since we were kids, with our mothers being the closest of friends, I was always forced to spend time with, or in other words, look after him when ever he and his parents visited town, to my shown disappointment.

"For once in your life, could you at least try to be cool?" I showed him my boredom with his loser antics, and he only snorted again.

I wasn't joking, I was dead serious. I squinted my eyes at him, his childlike state annoying me more than it should.

I fucking hate nerds.

"Aus-ten, don't be a noob!" He retorted, holding a hand up to the star wars fabric on his chest. The way he incorrectly pronounces my name never fails to make my skin crawl, he's so God damn annoying.

Before gasping, Alan clenched a finger around his nostrils and tilted his head up, making a ghastly sound before exclaiming, "ugh, nosebleed!"

Oh my god, a nosebleed? Seriously? His geekiness is becoming so embarrassing it's almost impossible to handle, I think, by the end of the day, I'm sure to be dead from the shame of just knowing him. I can't imagine what the guys would do if they ever found out about my interactions with him.        

"Oh, Austinnn!" Fuck! That was Josh's voice, "Aussie Aussie Austinnn!"

Why did my thoughts always seem to become a God damn reality?

"Open up, man! We've got beer!" He called, banging his fist against the surface from the other side of the front door, afterwards being followed with many other voices. Alex, Jack, Matty, Jaime, and Kellin was probably with them, too.

Oh, isn't this fucking perfect? How on Earth am I supposed to let the guys in with a someone as incredibly lame as Alan in my presence? Alan would end up humiliating me, and they'd all just laugh at me, not intending to let me live it down.  

"Hey, Alan?" I looked at the redhead, who now had a rolled up piece of tissue paper hanging from his nose, and I hoarded into a disturbed shudder at the sight. He looked up from the Spiderman comic book placed in his lap, showing his braces with a wide, toothy grin.

"How's say we play a game of hide and seek? You hide, and I'll count." I gave him my most convincing smile, and even though he had grade A's, he was an idiot when it came to stuff like this.

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