20. Disney movies are good for you

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Pov: Vic. 

Visualizing deeply about Kellin's offer, my enduring train of thought had been disturbed by the sound of a British accent, which could only belong to Oli. It could have belonged to Josh, as he was part of the British community also, but his voice just didn't have the same graciously charming effect Oli's held, it was much more nasty -- like he despised everything around him. Like Kellin, he needed to be taught how to be a little nicer.  

"Vic! There you are." With a happy sigh, Oli exclaimed from behind me, relief washing over his naturally enthralling pitch. I whirled my neck around as he stepped closer, and, soon noticing the light hold Kellin secured around the side of my waist, a frown etched onto his lips, "what, uh, what's goin' on 'ere?"

"Well, I-" I wasn't allowed to finish my sentence, Kellin made sure of that. He always seemed to interrupt me when I started speaking. I don't know if it was an unknowing habit, or if he did it purposely to annoy me.   

"Vic's coming home with me, that's all." Shoulders raising up and down in a casual shrug, his composed expression bewildered me. Disbelieving eyes firing his way, I let my mouth hang open slightly as my shock had yet to fade away. I hadn't even made a decision yet, he couldn't just make one for me!

"Come on, Vic. Just come with me, Oli's not that great, you know." Kellin attempted to persuade, which caused an obvious scoff from Oli. After this, the two of them retreated into a harsh worded argument, and of course, I didn't enjoy witnessing it in the slightest.

"Oh, how would you know? We aren't friends, you hardly know anything about me, so you can't say shit, you fucking twat."

"Trust me, Oli, I could say a lot."

"That's bullshit, and you know it is."

"The only thing that's bullshit is your sweet little British boy act. I can see right through it, Sykes."

"That's pretty rich coming from you, Quinn. You're not so sweet yourself, pushing this poor lad onto the road before the game, what is wrong with you? Are you that cruel you feel the need to take your anger out on someone who didn't even do anything wrong? Get a grip, mate. I certainly wouldn't want to go home with you if I was Vic, but I'm not going to force him into doing what I want him to do, because unlike you, I'm not a selfish twit. I'm going to let him decide." I immediately gained a whole new amount of respect for Oli for those words, letting me think for myself is something Kellin would rarely let me do.

"Well, fine. Let's let him decide, shall we? Vic," Kellin looked back down at me, "who would you rather go home with, me, or Oli?" He spat Oli's name out like it was some sort of vicious curse, making me look between the two of them with nervousness overcoming me. Jesus Christ, why couldn't I just have one normal night, without having to make difficult decisions?

First, my eyes glanced towards Oli. Okay, Oli. The British one. The sweet one. The one who never fails to make a genuine smile come to your face. The one who would never do anything to hurt, or upset you. The one who, well, basically resembles a prince. 

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