5. Never tell a popular twat what to do

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"Vic?" I called out, running to catch up with his quick and speedy pace, which only made him pick it up. Was he seriously running away from me? No one runs away from me!"

"Hey! Slow down!" My cross country skills came into play, as I felt and saw that I was gaining on him, even though he was surprisingly fast for someone who'd probably never won a race in his life. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't impressed. Although he still wasn't quick enough to match me, and I ended up running so fast that I'd came in contact with his frame, knocking him to the ground just like he had done to me only a few moments ago.

And in that split second, I felt our lips brush together, sending a weird feeling through my gut. I don't know what it was, disgust? Well, duh. It would have to be. He was a guy! I'd just brushed lips with a guy! Fucking gross! I pushed myself off of him, and watched as he held a finger to his lips. I could've sworn he was smiling. Fag. He probably enjoyed that, but trust me, that was the only action from me he'd ever get. 

"Don't get your hopes up, I didn't mean for that to happen. Gravity did." I said as we both stood back up to our feet, brushing ourselves off.

"O-oh, right." He smiled nervously and stumbled on his words, shyly, like always. Seriously? Couldn't he even give me a smart-arse comeback? He needed some severe training in how to be even the slightest sense of cool, because honestly, he was apprehensive as fuck and it was starting to get on my nerves. No one should be that quiet.

"So, why were you running from me?"

"I- uh...  I just, didn't want to be around anyone. I still don't. S-so if you'll excuse me," He started to walk past me, but I grabbed his arm. Something about him just made me want him to stay.

"Why are you so quiet all the time? You can talk, you know, you have a mouth, that's what mouths are made for? Well, that, and sucking dicks. In your case, that is. Because, well you know, you're a fag." I said casually, and the look he gave me told me he didn't find my joke as funny as I did.

"Kellin, I'd appreciate it if you didn't use that word. I'm.. kind of sick of hearing it all the time."  

Did he just... Tell me what to do? 

I looked at him, glaring. He looked back at me, scared and more nervous than he seemed to be before. No one told me what do to. 

"No one tells me what to do," I read my thoughts aloud, "I do what ever the fuck I want." I paused suddenly, holding a finger up to his mouth as he was about to say something. That would go great in a song... 

Vic watched curiously as I knelt down, scrambling through my bag for a certain note book. Okay, lyric book. No one knew about it, only I did. I enjoyed song writing, okay? Is that so bad? No! 

Once I'd found it, I flicked through the sharpie corrupted pages and found a blank page, scribbling some words down messily against the thin, blue lines. 

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