8. Fetch me a chocolate milk, Consuela

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Pov: Vic.

The sounds of the bell could be heard through each and every one of the classrooms, signalling most of the students favorite times of the day, Lunch. I doubt anyone except myself actually cared for the homework Mr. Alott was explaining to us, as they all shoved their books and pens into their bags and scurried to their feet. Like always, the swarm of teenagers got caught up in a mess at the classroom door, shoving and pushing to get out of the small space all at once. Idiots. Maybe if they took their time, like most mature people would, they'd all get out of here much quicker. 

I was the only one who ever took my time, seeing as I didn't necessarily have a pack of friends waiting eagerly for me to join them at the lunch table. I only had the two, and unlike most people in this school, they were rather patient. 

I quickly finished scribbling down the homework the teacher had assigned, afterwards neatly placing my pen inside the embarrassing Batman pencil case my mother had begged me to use for keeping my stationary in. A shadow then came over me and a voice that could only belong to Kellin spoke with agitation.

"Hurry up, slow poke! Why are you always the last to leave? I do want to eat, you know." 

Ever since this morning, I've been the most confused I've been in a while. Just yesterday, Kellin had been the biggest dick to me. Laughing in my face, calling me names, and now, he suddenly expected me to follow him everywhere he went? What was his deal? Though I must admit, I did find it interesting sitting with his group before school. Even though I'm certain most of them hated me, I'd never sat with a popular cliche before.

"Okay, sorry." I gave a mumbled apology, making sure to speed up my pace. I did just that, and rose to my feet while swinging my bag over my shoulder. Kellin didn't say anything as he walked out of the now clear door, and I followed suit. I felt like a lost puppy as I walked closely behind him, into the bright cafeteria atmosphere.

Eyes instantly shot towards him, smiling eyes. And then, they shot towards me, harsh eyes - as if the one thing they desired to do, was slaughter me with a knife. I'm starting to think I must have been Hitler in my past life, and that's part of the reason why I was so hated. Well, that was my latest theory, anyway.

Our legs carried us into the middle of the cafeteria, and we headed our separate ways. I saw the faces of Jenna and Tony, they were both smiling, though Jenna's smile, obviously, held a more enthusiastic and excited nature to it. Tony's was just calm and tranquil, almost as if he was high and relaxed on weed. Though I knew he wasn't, that was just the way he looked most of the time - like he had not a care in the world. Honestly, that was one of the main things I envied about the silent shredder. Oh, did I mention Tony played guitar?

In gusto, Jenna motioned me to come nigh with her hands, obviously quite keen to hear what had happened this morning - she was crazily obsessed with gossip, some would say say was a gossip queen! I was just about to sit down, preparing to tell Jenna about Kellin's weird behaviour, when who else but the blue eyed boy himself yanked me back to my feet.

"Um, what are you doing? You sit with us now? Didn't you get the hint when I'd generously invited you to sit with us at the start of the day? Jesus, I thought you were supposed to be smart, Vic."

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