37. Life can be so, Randomly Beautiful

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Pov: Vic.

Peering through the messy locks of my brown bangs, I huffed at the unsatisfying reflection of cracked, upsdell red dusted lips. I guess that's one of the disadvantages you get from obtaining the habit of licking your lips when the weather is almost always so windy and glacial. They weren't what were bothering me, though. What was bothering me, was my hair. I guess it holds a smug personality and decides for this night only, it simply will not co-operate with me. 

And the worse part is, Kellin is expected to arrive soon.

But, really, I don't care. I don't. This is just one date, one flimsy date with a boy I don't care about, not at all. It's not like I'm trying to impress him, I mean, he should be the one to impress me, in all honesty.

I just don't want to be seen in public with a nest of knot filled strands shooting in all directions possible, it's just uncanny. Can you imagine the looks I would get?

I pick up my brush, and once again, yank the hair styling device through my bangs again, my lips parting to create the sound of a pained whimper as it doesn't so easily slide through my tangled knots. Smart one, Vic. Real smart one. 

The knock that deluged from downstairs caught me by surprise, and when I noticed Kellin had come a tad too early, I felt like smashing my fist into the wall beside me. He can't be here, yet! He just can't be! I haven't even changed into my outfit! The outfit which, mind you, I still have to choose. 

"Viiic, your date's here!" Mike called, and by the sounds of his footsteps I could tell he was heading to the door to greet my visitor, so in a rushed and slightly panicked tone, I yelled back to my younger brother, "Tell him I'm not ready yet!"

Pov: Kellin.

With roses in my hands, I stood straight and tall as I heard footsteps approaching the front door of Vic's home.

Now, now, Kellin, don't act shy. Remember who you really are. Remember you are still that confident, outgoing, hilarious boy Vic fell for in the first place. Just because you're supposed to feel nervous, doesn't mean you have to convert into a bubbling mess of awkward in front of someone you have been trying to impress for months on end. Just, act cool, okay? Whack on a calm smile, and, act cool...

Casually leaning my hand on the door frame, I hung my jacket over my shoulder and retained a relaxed, mellow expression as the door swung open, to reveal not Vic, but his brother, Mike, gazing down at my idiotic smile with a dull and bored look covering every single one of his features. 

"He's not ready yet," Mike exclaimed without any emotion, turning on his heel and stepping back into his warm lounging area. I guess, he meant for me to follow.

I stepped inside, and, looking around at the place, realized just how small Vic's house really was. Compared to mine, that is. My house is perfection, with its golden walls that almost reach the sky, and its glistening floorboards and beach front, double hung windows. My place, makes this place, look like shit. Like, double you-oh-double you.

My gaze coming to a stop right in front of Vic's sibling and father's crossed-arm postures, I suddenly feel my nerves rush back to my mind, and actions, as I unknowingly start to fiddle with the sleeves of my long sleeved shirt. They're just standing there, looking at me, studying every single thing I do, as if I'm in some sort of exam procedure.

It's scaring me.

I take a deep breath, though, and straighten myself up, trying not to make it look as if I'm being intimidated. It looks like these are the type of people who expect the guys who date their relatives to impress the hell out of them, and by the looks on their faces, accomplishing that task is going to be, like, super hard.   

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