30. Honoring the holy teenage white girl pentagram

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here, have a humorous chapter to make up for the last sad chapter
this book will be a mix of happy and sad si

vic is now a sassy bitch, 
he has been converted.
there's no going back now.


Pov: Kellin.

Slumped against Stacey's bed, I'm currently surrounded by girls. I'm at a fucking girls sleepover, can I be any gayer? The aroma is clouded with the strong smell of women's perfume, and half eaten chocolates. The room is so brightly shaded with purple, that an old man would probably go completely blind just by merely stepping inside. Not to mention, the various Spice Girls posters stuck against the walls, how laaame.  

"So, Kellin," Summer spoke from our huddle against the ebony, cherry printed layout of her doona, concentrating on painting Jasey's nails all while maintaining a conversation at the same time, [how do girls do that???] "You wanted our advice on how to make Vic notice you, right?" 

Each and every single one of these lovely ladies knew now about my helpless crush on Vic, and I discovered pretty quickly that the girl's in my group were way more accepting than the guys. What baffled me, was when they all composed humour struck giggles, and told me casually, "Well, it's pretty obvious, Kellin."

But, I don't see how me being gay was obvious, honestly. I flick my hair out of my eyes, and catch a glance of myself in the mirror while properly fixing up my naturally raven locks, I act straighter than a muscly, macho, Spanish man who's always on long business trips, sleeping with various women while his poor wife sits at home worrying about him. I finish fixing my hair and admire my appearance, wondering how good I would look if I added some highlights to it. Susspician's of being gay are a total no show for me, duh! I don't know what they're talking about. 

"Yeah, I mean, I'm like, totally clueless when it comes to these things, you know? I mean, I've never liked anyone, let alone another dude. You guys really need to help me out, because I'm, like, dying over here?" 

"Well," Trixie started, smiling calmly as she plated Allison's recently dyed, urban bangs, "Sometimes, you have to show a little skin. This reminds boys of being naked, and then they think of sex. And anything you can do to draw attention to your mouth is good, too."    

"Uh, I don't think Vic likes sex."

"Oh, yes, he does. All boys do, no matter who they are. Trust me!"


"Kellin Quinn! Where is your shirt?" 

"Lost it, Miss. Some kid must have taken it while we were at football training." I reply to the teacher with absolutely no shame, purposely sitting down right behind Vic's desk. As he glances up from his notes, the window in front of us allowed him to see my bare chest.

It's not very toned, but it looks pretty decent. Well, it must, considering a fair amount of chicks in this class are gawking at me with wide eyes and practically over doing the drooling acts as they dreamily rest their cheeks upon their palms.

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