7. The wonders of the football field

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Pov: Vic.

Are you coming? What did he mean, are you coming? Was I just dreaming, or did Kellin Quinn actually want me, Vic Fuentes, to follow him into the soccer field? I looked back at Jenna and Tony, confused and unsure of what do, this whole thing had already started to make my head spin.

Tony gave me a look that told me he was just as baffled as I was, as he shrugged his shoulders. Although Jenna had an excited gleam accompanying the corners of her smiling eyes, as she motioned with her hands to waste no more time in following the still impatiently waiting jock standing behind me.

So, that's exactly what I did. Though hesitant, I let my legs slowly trail behind Kellin as he turned on his heel and started walking towards, what I assumed was the field. He didn't look back at me or utter a single word as I watched his perfect-like frame moving through the school from a few meters in front of me, except for when he spun his head around and gave me an agitated look, telling me to walk with him, not behind him. I soon did as told, obviously. This was Kellin Quinn, everyone did what he told them to do, right? 

As we made our way through the last of the halls, I tried to ignore the raised eyebrows from teenagers that lingered around me. They were all probably just as baffled as I was, wondering why in the world I of all people, would be walking with him of all people. The only person who didn't seem confused was Kellin himself.

Pov: Kellin. 

I lead Vic through the hallways, past the cafeteria, and finally, into the snow flake enchanted atmosphere of the school soccer field, where I saw my clique already sitting in the middle of. Legs crossed, talking and laughing loudly, they failed to notice my identity walking towards them, and more importantly, who was walking next to me. But they soon would. 

As we arrived, I plopped down onto the green grass, joining in the conversation. Vic, still showing his annoying shyness, just stood there, fiddling with the sleeves of the hoodie which was way too big for him. Heh, how cute- I mean, how gay. Whoops, that was a total brain fart, I almost referred to a guy as cute, a guy.

"Uh, Kellin," Matty said bluntly, me looking back at him as if to say. 'what?'

"What the fuck is he doing here?" He shoots his thumb back to an awkward-looking Vic, making the others give nods and words of agreement, "why would you even bring him here?"

I rolled my eyes, preparing to switch my mood to a more demanding one, as I knew all of them wouldn't ask any questions if I did. They were basically my peasants, practically always doing what I told them. But they were also, unfortunately, my friends, meaning, when they didn't want to do something I'd asked them to, they'd hit my shoulder in a playful manner and just say, "do it yourself, you turd!"

I didn't like this, I didn't like it at all. Hence the reason I brought Vic here today. He would do as I said, he always would. Because he was the one who had this huge crush on me, right? I haven't really tested my theory out as of the moment, but I would at lunch. And I was positive it was going to work. I doubt anyone in this school adores me as much as he does. 

I spoke to and looked at Matty calmly and simply, "Because he is, and because I can, oh-kay?" My okay was done in an insolent way, which instantly made him feel intimidated. Even though he had the muscles, I had the power. 

My eyes scanned everyone's faces as if daring them to object or say anything more. Stacey almost looked as if she was going to say something, but quickly changed her mind and shut her lips once I'd shot my gaze towards her. Smart girl. 

This made me feel like Regina George. Hey yeah, I was just like Regina George! I almost let out a laugh at the thought of some low life from this school being filmed while saying:

"Once Kellin Quinn punched me in the face... It was awesome."

"Victor, sit." I commanded him, and he followed suit, lowering himself down to the ground next to me. Per-fect.

My group gave him a few weird glances, but soon indulged themselves back into their previous conversations, trying to forget about it and not let it bother them. 

As my eyes traveled to the small boy sitting beside me, I realized, though he still held that familiar nervous look plastered against his features, he also looked somewhat amazed. I gave a barely audible laugh, it was probably because he'd never sat with a popular clique before.

"So, you never answered my question." My words knocked him out of his daze, as quiet chatter filtered around us, leaving no one to listen in on our conversation.

"Oh, uh, what question?" 

I sighed in frustration, "you know! Why you never talk." 

"W-well, I... I'm just... Not a talkative person." 

"You should talk more." 

"But, I-" 

"That wasn't a request." 


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