28. When Beyoncé comes knocking at your door

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Pov: Vic. 

Friday afternoon, the talent show was tonight. Not that I was going to go. I'd missed auditions, anyway. Purposely, mind you. 

Perched at the end of Oli's wisteria hued mattress, I read through one of the many various paged books I'd found on his impeccably humongous book shelf, which stood at least 8 ft tall. Oli, being settled on the opposite side, just stared at me. It was utterly easy to tell, even if my eyes were fixed upon a set of microscopic, black and bold printed words.

I haven't talked to him since yesterday afternoon, I'm too ticked off to do so. When ever he parts his lips open to speak, his eyes would be met with a strong glare from mine, and that gesture was quick to shut him up. Unfortunately, the method was quickly fading. 

"Vic," He started. I squinted my eyes at him, expecting the British boy sitting in front of me to pipe the hell down.

"I'm sorry, were you talking to me or sleeping with someone else?" Saucily, I answered with a hard frown not once turning dull.   

Oli rolled his eyes to the side, complimented with a frustrated groan, "Vic, I've already tried telling you a million times before, I'm not sleeping with her! Other than at football games, I've never seen the las in my entire eighteen years of being on this bloody Earth-- Vic! Put the fucking book down and listen to me, would ya?!" 

Slamming the book down against the mattress, I understated the term "If looks could kill", as my eyes held something much deeper than animosity, "Well, maybe I don't believe you, Oli! How's that?" 

"Why wouldn't you fucking believe me?!" He retaliated quickly, my fury risen tone being matched. 

"Hm," Sarcastically, I held a finger to my jaw and gazed up at the cream coloured ceiling, "Maybe, it's because of what your brother said when we first started hanging out. Remember that, Oliver? What was it, again? Oh! That's right! The comment he made about you bringing in another one? When you told me he was joking, though I was still suss, I actually believed you. Now -- well, now I'm not so sure." 

"You've got to be barmy. I'm not a person who bloody cheats on people, Vic! And if you can't even trust me enough to believe that statement is true, then what's the point of this relationship, huh? Tell me that!"

Instantly, blood boiled my body into a heated temperature, my cheeks radiating in an angry shade of claret. With my fingers sinking deep into my palms, I felt my eyes develop into glossiness, "What are you saying? You want to brake up with me?"

The regret struck Oli's fallow, olivine orbs faster than lightening crashing against the rocks on a deserted beach at midnight. "Vic, baby, that's not what I meant."

His expression softening while he attempted to calm my pessimistic state, I slapped his hand away the very moment his soft skin connected with my knee.

My fingers were chased through the loose knots of my hair as I rose from the comfortable cloud-like object, the back of my mind telling me to stop being so dramatic. But I didn't listen, my heart pinged with a blend of unwanted emotions, and honesty, all I wanted to do was get out of there.

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