14. May as well throw my heart into the sea

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Pov: Vic. 

I can now say I'm officially scared of Kellin Quinn. 

Watching him go straight into spaz-mode and pull Jaime out from under the bleachers before proceeding to punch him in the face? Yeah, a little scary if you ask me. I mean, why would he do something like that? Jaime and I were about to kiss, what does he care? It's not like Jaime was about to kiss Kellin's girlfriend. [Kellin doesn't even have one, I kid you not] It was just me. Boring little me. Maybe Kellin is on drugs... 

"What the FUCK, Kellin?!" I heard Jaime yell from barely meters in front of me. I'm still sitting in the same spot I was before, too frightened to even think about facing Kellin in his worked up state. All I'm going to do is show an act of curiosity and listen to what he has to say. 

Peeking out from the spaces between the chairs, I saw just how pissed of Kellin truly looked. If eyes could kill, man, Jaime would be toast right now! Kellin's eyes are hardly big anymore, as they're squinted dangerously close together. His cheeks are burning with an angry red, and his fists are clenched by his sides. Jaime on the other hand is holding onto his now bleeding nose, pain sustaining him and blood trickling down his face. Poor guy. I hope he's okay. And I hope Kellin says sorry. Oh, what's the use hoping that will happen? That word isn't even in Kellin's vocabulary. 

"Don't fucking touch him ever again, you stupid fuck!" Kellin yelled, cornering Jaime against a wall. I wanted nothing more than to jump out and help him, but I was still too scared. My shaking fingers confirmed that. I'm always scared when it comes to anything violent, it's been that way since grade two when the continuous beating up endured.

"Kellin, what is your deal lately? Huh? You find out Vic has a crush on you, and suddenly you take him in like a lost puppy. Then, when ever one of us actually wants to talk to him, because you know, maybe we want to get to know him considering he's in out group now, you act as if we're murdering your family! What, are we not allowed to go near him or something? Do you own him, do you?" 


I didn't like that. He owns me? I don't want to be owned by anyone. No matter who you are, you can't own someone and take away their dignity, just like that. It isn't right. I want to be my own person, I am going to be my own person. 

"You don't own me." I finally spoke up, stepping out into the open gym. My sensitivity came into motion as I felt my eyes well up with those small little crystal balls we like to call tears. I don't know why the tiniest things made me like this, but it's been that way for a while now and I doubt the habit will ever leave. 

Kellin spun around to face me, a confused expression clear to the eye, "what?" 

I gave him my most honest reply, though the words were hard to get out considering my throat was being overcome with more and more sobs by the second, "I said, you don't own me, Kellin. I'm not some toy in a gift shop, okay? I'm a human being, a human being who has feelings, and it isn't okay when you mess with them like this. It isn't okay when you have me laying in bed all night, wide awake, thinking I actually have a chance with you, and then you come to school the next day and treat me like shit. It isn't okay when you claim you'll never like me back, and then take away from me someone who actually does like me back. What's wrong with you, Kellin? Was bullying not enough for you? Did you just do this to play with an innocent kid's emotions? Because honestly, this is far worse than the continuous times of getting beaten up by you and your friends. Can't you see you're breaking my heart?"

Kellin's eye bows knotted slightly together as he watched and listened to every painful sentence that escaped my cracked lips. He didn't say anything when I was finished talking, he just gazed at me from the other side of the gym, sympathy flooding his blue orbs. Hah, sympathy. I don't need his sympathy, I don't need anyone's sympathy but my own.

"Vic," He called my name with a sorrowful tone, but as soon as he took a step forward all I did was turn on my heel and run, as fast as I could, down the spacious hallways until I reached the cold, Winter air of the campus, picking up my pace when I felt footsteps running behind me, Kellin's voice calling my name and begging me to stop. This sounds really cliche, but it was happening. I was acting like a heart broken teenaged girl who'd just found her boyfriend cheating on her, and now she was running away from him as he tried to explain his actions. And it was all Kellins fault.

goal: 36 votes 20 comments
short chapter but we'll make up for it okay 

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