Austin and Shawn plus Lucy (i)

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Time frame: Caminah's Day (part 2) - Normally's Day (part 2)


When Austin Mahone was five, he loved to Miami. When he was six, he met Camila. By the time he was seven, they were best friends. When he was eight, he met Dinah, Ally and Normani. When he was nine, he met Shawn. By the time he was fourteen, he had his first kiss with Camila, he didn't like it. When he turned fifteen, he started to call her his girlfriend. It lasted three months.

When he was almost sixteen, he started to date Becky, while Camila began to date Shawn. They had double dates. Austin spend most of those dates watching as Shawn's light up as he talked about music. Austin would ask questions just to get him to talk.

When he was sixteen, he broke up with Becky because he wasn't happy. When he was seventeen, he kissed Shawn for the first time. For a year, he closed himself up. The day of graduation, Normani had a talk with him about his feelings.

When he was eighteen, he asked Shawn out, who accepted. When he was twenty-four, he met Lauren and extended his small family with Shawn. When he was twenty-five, he proposed, but that's another story.


When Shawn Mendes was seven, he knew something was different about himself. When Shawn was eight, he met Camila, Dinah, Ally and Normani. When he was nine, he had his first kiss and met Austin. When he was ten, he got butterflies around Austin.

When Shawn was fourteen, he got his girlfriend. When he was fifteen, he lost his virginity. When he was sixteen, he started to date Camila and got close to Austin. They broke up a few months later. When he was seventeen, Austin kissed him.

When he was almost eighteen, he accepted who he was. When he was eighteen, Austin asked him out.

When he was twenty-four, he met Lauren and fell in love with the idea of taking care of someone. When he was twenty-four, he found someone to take care of.

When he was twenty-five, he was happy.


Austin and Shawn met Lauren, and they knew she was the most lovely person they met. They actually liked the idea taking care of someone.

To say Austin was scared was an understatement. He didn't see himself as someone who could take care of someone else. He could barely take care of himself. But saw how happy Dinah and Camila were with having Lauren in their lives, and he wanted that. He wanted to be that happy.

And Shawn wanted that. Austin would give him the world if he could. So when the chance to have that life came, they took it.


Shawn knocked on the door, a plate of brownies in his hands. Austin stood behind him, hands in his pockets.

Keana opened the door, smiling when she saw the two men. "Shawn, Austin, what are you two doing here?"

"To hang out, and talk," Shawn answered, showing her the brownies. She moved out of the doorway, letting both of them enter.

"Lucy is asleep, so we'll have to be quiet," Keana told them, leading them to the kitchen.

Shawn looked into the living room area and saw Lucy asleep on the couch, a pacifier in her mouth. She was wrapped in a blue blanket and was holding what seemed to be a Simba stuffed lion. He looked at Austin, to see a small smile on his face as he stared at Lucy.

Shawn gave his attention Keana who placed the plate down. She signaled for them to have a seat.

"How are things?" Austin asked, grabbing a brownie.

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