Lucy plus Shawn and Austin

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Warning: There will be a tiny bit up verbal abuse in the flashback.

Time Frame: After Laucy (part 2)


When Lucy was five, her parents passed away. When she was five, she went to her first foster family. When she was six, she was hit for the first time. When Lucy was seven, she learned to cook for herself. When she turned eight, she knew that the world was a horrible place. When she was eleven, she took her first sip of alcohol. When she was twelve, drugs came into the mix. When she was thirteen, she had been though fourteen foster homes. When she was fourteen, she had sex for the first time.

When Lucy reached fifteen, she met Keana for the first time. When she was fifteen, she got her first taste of being taken care of. When she was sixteen, Lucy got emancipated so she could stay with Keana. When she was sixteen, Keana helped get her clean. When she was sixteen, Keana took care of her. When she was sixteen, Keana showed her a new lifestyle that she enjoyed. When Lucy became seventeen, she met her fathers. She met her aunts. She met Lauren. When she was eighteen, she was happy.


"Daddy, ice c'eam?" Lucy asked, looking up at Austin with a smile. The young girl had been with them for a few weeks. She loved it, having the two guys in her life. she still talked to Keana, but the feeling of abandonment she felt had left.

"One or two scoops?"

"Thwee," Lucy said, grinning.

"Did you eat all your vegetables?"

"Yes. Even cawwots," Lucy told him, grinning.

Austin laughed and nodded his head. He kissed her cheek and went to the freezer, taking out the tub of ice cream.

"Tank you Daddy," Lucy said, grabbing the spoon and starting on the ice cream.

Her fathers gave her what she wanted, but only when she was good. And she was good most of the time. She did have a few tantrums here and there, but it was mostly when she hadn't slept the night before and was really tired.

Shawn walked to them. "How is Princess Lucy?"

Princess Lucy was the nickname given to her by Lauren, and she liked it. Big Lucy wouldn't have, but Lauren was Little Lucy's best friend, and being given that nickname was special to her.

"Good Papi," Lucy said, grinning. She turned back to her ice cream. Shawn laughed and grabbed a napkin. He cleaned the mess on her face.

"And how is my favorite guy?"

Austin laughed, his cheeks turning red. Lucy watched as Shawn walked up to Austin and kissed his cheek.

"Gwoss," Lucy told them, shaking her head.

Both men walked to either side of Lucy. "That's gross, huh?" Austin asked, smirking.

Lucy nodded her head.

"Then is this gross?" Shawn asked, before both men peppered Lucy's cheeks with kisses.

The young girl shrieked and giggled.

"Love you Princess," Shawn said, grinning. He grabbed her spoon and took some ice cream.

"No!" Lucy shouted, pouting at him. Shawn laughed and kissed her forehead.


Lucy had nightmares. Most of them involved her foster homes, but some were about her birth parents. none of them were pretty.

That night, she was asleep in her room, Bambi in her arms. When asked why she loved Bambi, she said that it was the first movie she ever watched.

"Stupid girl," seven year old Lucy's foster dad snarled, as he grabbed the plate and threw it against the wall, the plate shattering and the food spilling against the wall. He stood up and walked up to her. He grabbed her shirt and pushed her against the wall. "All I wanted was dinner. A good dinner. Can't you do anything right?"

Lucy whimpered, closing her eyes. "'m sorry."

He scoffed, releasing her. He looked to the floor. "Clean that shit up. I'm going out. I better not see you when I get back. And don't think about eating tonight."

Lucy nodded, scared to say anything. She watched as he stormed out of the kitchen. Lucy started to sob as she cleaned up the mess.

"Lucy," she heard. She opened her eyes to see both Shawn and Austin standing over her. "Did you have a bad dream?"

Lucy nodded. She rubbed the tears in her eyes. She moved so she could be curled up between both men. "Bad man."

"You're safe now Princess," Austin whispered, rubbing her back.

Lucy nodded her head. She inhaled deeply, taking in her fathers' scents. It was one thing that comforted her. That and Bambi.

"You know, Lauren heard that you had nightmares. So she gave me this," Shawn said, reaching over and grabbed a stuffed brownie with a face.

"What?" Austin asked, laughing.

Shawn shrugged. "They shared cookies and brownies. Mani told me that Lauren has a cookie teddy bear too. And she wanted Lucy to have this so she'd be with her even if she wasn't."

Lucy reached over and grabbed the brownie. She hugged it tight, smiling.

"Do you want to sleep in our bed?" Austin asked.

"Yes Daddy. Sing?"

"We'll always sing for you," Austin said. He picked Lucy up and walked out of the room. He laid her down. He went on his side of the bed, while Shawn went to his. Lucy got comfortable, and hugged Bambi and the brownie close.

Austin started the song, with Shawn singing the next and two two singing the last together.

And I've been a fool and I've been blind
I can never leave the past behind
I can see no way, I can see no way
I'm always dragging that horse around

Our love is pastured such a mournful sound
Tonight I'm gonna bury that horse in the ground
So I like to keep my issues strong
But it's always darkest before the dawn

Shake it out, shake it out
Shake it out, shake it out
Shake it out, shake it out
Shake it out, shake it out
And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back
So shake him off

Lucy fell asleep.


Lucy looked at her fathers. They sat her down, telling her they wanted to tell her something. She was scared, because of what happened last time with Keana.

"Hey, we need to tell you something. Just listen until the end, okay?" Shawn said, placing his hand on the girl's.

Lucy nodded.

"My work needs me to go to a business meeting. It's for a whole weekend. Shawn is going too. It's going to be all business. You're going to stay with your aunties and Lauren for the weekend. We are coming back."

"Pwomise?" Lucy said, hoping she wasn't going to be left again.

"We promise. You are our daughter. You are our Princess. We are never going to let you go, okay?" Shawn told her.

Lucy nodded. She hugged him. "Come back? Wight?"



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