Camila and Dinah

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In honor of Caminah getting married, here is their journey. Enjoy.


Age 5

Dinah walked towards the girl reading under a tree.

"What are you doing?" Dinah asked, frowning.

"Reading," Camila responded, looking up at Dinah.

"That's weird."

Camila looked scandalized. "Why?"

Dinah sat down next to Camila. "Everyone else is playing, and you're just reading."

"I'm doing what I want," Camila shot back with a glare.

Dinah stared at the girl for a second before nodding. "I like you, you got spunk."

Camila looked confused. "Spunk? Like a skunk?"

Dinah laughed, and shook her head.

"Read to me Karla."

"It's Camila."

"It's I Don't Care."

"You're mean."

Dinah grinned. "I know. Now read to me Mila."

Camila sighed and continued to read her book out loud.


Freshmen Year

"How was it?" Dinah asked, looking at Camila.

The older girl shrugged. "It was okay, I guess."

"Aw, my little Mila had her first kiss with Austin," Dinah cooed, laughing.

Camila could feel her cheeks burn up. She shrugged. "I-I, can we talk about something else?"

Dinah frowned, but nodded her head.

"Sure, are you sleeping over tonight?"

Camila nodded her head. "Yeah. It's gonna be fun."

"Why? We've done it other times," Dinah asked, tilting her head.

Camila shrugged. "I-I guess I'm just excited about."

"Whatever you say."


Junior Year

Dinah stared at Camila who was talking to Shawn.

"What is up with you?" Normani asked, from her spot next to Dinah.

Dinah looked over to see Normani and Ally cuddling together.

"You guys are gross together," Dinah muttered, shaking her head.

"Yeah, we know, now tell us what is bothering you," Ally responded, shaking her head.

"Nothing, it's just, Mila and Shawn seem to be having a serious conversation and it's kind of scaring me."

"Why?" Normani asked, frowning.

"He has the power to hurt her," Dinah answered, signaling towards the couple.

"They seem fine to me," Ally told her, pointing to the smiling couple.

Shawn and Camila shared a hug. Camila gave him a kiss on the cheek and walked to the other three girls.

"What happened?" Dinah asked before Camila could even sit down.

"We broke up," Camila said, shrugging her shoulders.

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