Dinah & Ally & Normani & Camila plus Milika & Patricia & Andrea & Sinu

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This is real. I didn't accidentally post this like I have others.

This chapter was requested by Norminahslaysme.

Time frame: During Okay?

The title was super long so I had to use '&' instead of 'and'.



Camila plus Sinu

Camila was losing it. She was losing it and it wasn't her fault.

They did this, and she was just a victim.

But was she taking it too far?

Was all this anger worth it?

Camila stared at the name on her phone. She turned to look at Lauren, who had finally fallen asleep. She went into the kitchen and pressed 'call'. She waited until her head someone pick up the phone.

"Hola?" a sleepy voiced asked.

"Mami," Camila cried, feel her dam break and her tears rush out.

"Mija, what's wrong?" Sinu asked from the other side of the line.

"Mami, the girls and I took Lauren to see her birth parents-"


"-no, I didn't want to. But they ignored what I had to say. They decided to take Lauren and I went with them to make sure Lauren was okay. But she wasn't Mami. She wasn't fine and she's so sad. And I'm mad," Camila explained, shaking her head.

"Is she okay?"

"She's not sleeping. She's not herself."

"Of course. She's traumatized. How is she with the other girls?"

"She's not really talking to them," Camila responded, staring at Lauren who was still asleep, cuddling with Nala. "She's not really talking period."

"It's going to take her a while to go back to how she was. Just be there with her, mija. From what you're telling me, you're the only one who she trust. Be that person and keep her protected."

"What do I do Mami? Estoy tan enojada, but I'm hurt."

"That's okay. What they did you, no era bien. It's okay to be mad. Do you want to come here away from the girls?"

"No, I think I'm going to go to the studio to record some songs. Maybe this will help me."

"You are doing great, and you're going to be okay. Te quiero mucho, okay? You and Dinah are going to be fine. You and Lauren are going to be fine. Dinah and Ally and Normani need to, what do you kids say, get their heads out of their asses?"

"Mami!" Camila exclaimed, laughing for the first time in some time.

Lauren woke up, looking around, before looking at her own Mami.

"I have to go, Lauren is awake. I love you Mami."

"I love you too, my daughter. Everything is going to turn out well."


Camila hung up and walked to the couch, where Lauren quickly attached herself to her Mami. "Okay Mami?"

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