Lauren and Ally

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This was requested by Little-Nugget-. This is early Lost Inside days, Pre-Lauren calling them mothers.


Lauren loved baths. She really did. The warm water. Having someone run their hands through her hair. It was all fun to her.

That day was Ally's first time giving Lauren a shower, as the other girls usually did. Ally had been excited, having some bonding time with Lauren.


"'ub a dub dub, duck in a 'ub," Lauren muttered as she played with her rubber duckies. She had them swim around the waters.

Rub a dub dub, duck in a tub was something Dinah aways said when she was giving Lauren a shower. It made no sense to Lauren, but loved to say it.

"Close your eyes," Ally said, having put shampoo in Lauren's hair and scrubbed it.

Lauren closed her eyes and tilted her head back, letting Ally wash out the shampoo.

Once that was done, Lauren went back to play with her rubber duckies, grabbing the toy ship and having it crash one of the ducks.

"'o!" she made the duck that got hit sink down while the other one screamed and cried.

"What are you doing Lo?"

Lauren looked at Ally with a smile. "Ducky die."

Ally conditioned Lauren's hair as the girl continued to play with her toys.

Once Ally was done and Lauren was clean, Ally grabbed a towel.

"Let's get you out of the tub and into clean clothes, yeah?"

Lauren looked at Ally. "'o."

"Lo," Ally started.

"'es Awwy?"

"You can't stay in the tub forever."

Lauren seemed to think about it. "'es."

"Ten more minutes, okay?"

Lauren nodded and continued playing with her toys.


Ten minutes had passed and the tub was filled with more bubbles.

"Lo, what did you do?"

"'oding," Lauren answered, not turning to look at Ally.

"Okay Lo, it's been ten minutes, let get you dried up," Ally said, grabbing the towel again.

Lauren shook her head. "'o 'nks."

"Lauren," Ally tried, giving her a stern look.

"We p'ay?" Lauren asked, offering Ally one of the ducks.

"Lauren, you are going to get sick."

"'o," Lauren said, going back to play with her rubber duckies and toy ship.

Ally rolled her eyes and went to unplug the bath rub. When Lauren saw what Ally was doing, Lauren let out a scream.

Ally got scared and jumped away. "Lauren, we do not scream."

"'o Awwy, 'o," Lauren told her, with tears in her eyes.

Ally took a deep breath before nodding. "Fine. Just a few more minutes, okay?"

Lauren nodded and went back to her toys. Ally sat on the closed toilet and watched as Lauren played, splashing the waters.


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