Ally and Normani

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As we go through Normally's wedding, let us see their younger days.

Time frame: Before Prologue


Ally was four when she was told her Aunt Sinuhe had given birth to her cousin. Ally was excited to have someone to play with that wasn't a boy. Brandon, her older brother didn't play with her. He'd tell her he didn't have time for little kids.

Brandon was asleep next to her. The ten year old didn't care about the birth of their first cousin.

The Hernandez and Cabello family were connected by Ally's mommy, Patricia and her Uncle Alejandro.

Patricia walked towards them. "Ready to meet your cousin?"

Ally nodded. She followed behind her mother to Aunt Sinu's room. Before anyone could tell her anything, Ally climbed onto the bed and sat down next to her aunt.

"Dat her?" Ally asked, looking at the baby.

"This is your baby cousin," Sinu said, smiling softly.

"What her name?" Ally asked, reaching over with a finger. The baby wrapped her hand around Ally's little finger.

"Karla. Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao."

"Dat's long," Ally muttered, staring at the baby.

Ally pulled her finger from baby Karla's grip. The baby started to cry, only to stop when she had Ally's finger again.

Ally grinned. "She likes me."

Sinu nodded. "You are going to be a wonderful big cousin."

Ally beamed, as she looked at Karla, who was falling asleep.


Six year old Normani was new. She had just moved to Miami because of her father's job. She was scared to go to a new school with people she didn't know. She was scared they were all going to be mean to her.

Ashley and Arielle had tried to reassure, saying she was going to have the best time of her life and make new friends.

She was a year ahead, having skipped a grade.

The teacher told Normani to sit next to a boy named Arin. He smiled at her, but Normani just ignored him. Boy had cooties. And she didn't want cooties.

Normani ignored the boy the whole time and when it was recess, she was sitting alone. She watched as the kids all bonded and played with each other. Normani was lonely where she was. It was probably her fault for ignoring Arin.

"Hi," she heard, she looked over to see a short girl.

"Hi," Normani said slowly.

"I'm Allyson, but I prefer Ally," the girl said, sitting down next to Normani. "Want to be friends?"

"Yes. I'm Normani."

"I know, the teacher said your name. I sit in the back next to Troy. He's not very nice," Ally said shrugging.

Normani perked up. "If we ask the teacher, do you think she'll let us sit together?"

Ally nodded. "She's really nice. And you're new, so she'll probably let us sit together."

Normani smiled at her new friend.

And that was the beginning of a wonderful friendship.


Fourteen year old Normani was scared. She wasn't supposed to be feeling this. Not for girls, especially not Ally. They were friends, best friends.

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