Dinah plus Camila and Ally and Normani and Sofi

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This chapter is shorter than the others.

This is for battlecry7473, here is Dinah meeting and getting approval.

Time Frame: Before Prologue


Dinah Meets Ally

Five year old Dinah stared at Ally. The girl was Camila's cousin. They went to the same school, but Dinah hadn't wanted to meet her. She had Camila and that was fine. And if Ally didn't like her, she could get Camila to stop being her friend.

Camila lead her to the upper kids area. Dinah took a deep breath, her nerves taking over her body.

"DJ, this is my cousin Ally," Camila said, pointing to the girl who looked shorter than Dinah.

"You're tiny."

Ally blinked a few times. "Yeah, well your legs are too big for your body."

Dinah laughed. Ally seemed so innocent and small, but she was feisty. "I like you."

Ally just stared at Dinah. "I don't like you right now."

The smile fell off of Dinah's face. She felt her heart drop. "Oh."

Ally laughed. "Got you!"

Dinah blinked a few times. "Oh."

Ally continued laughed. Camila frowned. A confused look on her face.

"I like you even more now," Dinah said, grinning.

Ally grinned.

Camila just stood there, confused. "Everything is okay?"

"We are friends," Dinah said, grinning.


Dinah and Camila meets Normani

Dinah helped Camila build a sandcastle.

It was Ally's birthday and her family decided to have a small party. Some of Ally's other friends were there, a boy named Troy, a girl named Tessa, a new kid named Dua, some boys named Richard, Nicki and Fergie. Some other girls. But none of them mattered. The only one that did was Ally's best friend, Normani.

Ally stood up and ran to hug a girl who just walked towards them.

Dinah looked up. She poked at Camila. "Is that her?"

"I think so," Camila muttered back, standing up. She dusted the sand off her knees. "Lets go."

Dinah stood up and walked behind Camila. They stood in front of the last guest.

"Hi," Dinah said, staring at the older girl.

The girl looked at the two with wide eyes. "Hi."

Dinah smirked. "I'm Dinah and this is Ally's cousin Camila."

"I'm Normani."

Dinah nodded her head. "We want to make sure you're a good friend for her cousin."

"I'm a good friend."

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