Lauren and (Big) Lucy and (Big) Hailee

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This chapter was requested by Lexani_96 and has a little something-something POLY-BEATDOWN wanted.

Time frame: During Dummies

Enjoy this fluff-fest.


Lauren felt arms around her. She open her eyes because the arms didn't feel like Mami's. She looked to her left, then to her right to see her wives asleep on either side of her. Lauren snuggled a little to get a little more comfortable before going back to sleep.


Lucy was the next one to wake up. She let out a yawn and stretched a little. She looked over to see Lauren and Hailee still asleep. Lucy slowly moved off the bed, not wanting to wake either girl up. Lauren whined and patted around, subconsciously searching for Lucy. Hailee on the other hand subconsciously pulled Lauren towards her. Lauren sighed contently and pressed herself against Hailee.

Lucy quietly walked out of the room. She walked into the living room to see the eight parents sitting there.

"How are Lauren and Hailee?" Normani asked, a small frown on her face.

"They are still asleep. Is there anything to eat? I'm hungry," Lucy said, with a small smile.

Shawn laughed. "I sometimes wonder where all the food you eat goes."

"It's a mystery," Austin said, shaking his head.

Ally stood up. "We ordered some pizza, it'll be here in a few minutes. You can go back to Lauren's room if you want, we'll bring it to you."

Lucy gave them a smile. "Thank you." She turned and headed to the bedroom.

Hailee had woken up and smiled when she saw Lucy enter. Lauren was still asleep.

"We meet again?" Lucy said with a small smile as she sat on the bed.

"And it's for Lauren again," Hailee whispered, running her hand through Lauren's hair.

"How are you? I've been worried about you since your outburst," Lucy said, reaching over and taking Hailee's hand.

Hailee shrugged. "I'm okay. I just, I get mad a lot sometimes and I can't control it. I'm getting help. Dr. Timberlake said I'm getting better."

Lucy leaned over and gently kissed Hailee's lips.

"I'm proud of you. You stood up for Lauren, it was sweet and kind of hot."

Hailee's cheeks burned up. "Th-thanks."

Lucy laughed, accidentally waking Lauren up.

"Look who's awake. Hi Laur," Lucy said, a small smirk on her face.

"'allo. You 'ook diff'en'" Lauren said, frowning. She stared at Lucy for a second. "I 'ike i'."

"You are so adorable," Lucy said, reaching over and kissing Lauren's cheek.

"I know," Lauren said in a smug tone. She giggled and turned so she could face Hailee. "'allo."

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