Hailee plus Anna and Brittany

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Okay, so this is mostly Hailee's chapter. You'll find out why she's shy and didn't want to be touched unless she initiates it.

Warning: Parental Physical/Emotional Abuse. If you don't want to read, wait until the next part where this part will be vaguely described for the most part.

Time frame: Before Prologue


Hailee opened her eyes for the first time. She cooed, as she reached for her mother. She stared into her eyes, but found no love in them.



The small girl jumped and looked up. She had been sitting on the floor staring at the wall. She didn't know what had done wrong this time. She stood up and walked to the kitchen.

"Hailee, did you get a piece of bread?" her mother asked, standing in front of her.

Four year old Hailee looked up, only to get a slap on the cheek.

"What have I said about looking at people in the eye?"

Hailee's eyes stung with tears. "N-no to."


"I-I don' d-des-des," Hailee stuttered. She yelped when she felt her mother grab her by her hair. She closed her eyes.

"You stupid girl. You are going to be punish, you got that? Go to my room, pant and underwear down," the woman said.

Hailee nodded, her tears leaking out of her eyes.

She walked to her mother's room. She stood in the middle, her pants pooled around her ankles. She heard her mother walk in and flinched when the door slammed shut.

"Do you know why you are being punished?"

"I-I bad," Hailee said, her hazel eyes connecting with the ground.

"Count, or we will start all over," she told the girl.

Hailee heard the swoosh of the belt before it hit. She let out a scream.

"You aren't counting," her mother said, hitting harder.

"No! P'ease! St-awp!"


Hailee could feel her pants rub against her welts. She whimpered, feeling the pulsing pain.

She flinched when she heard the front door slam shut. She knew he was home. She knew she wasn't safe anymore.

"Where is that stupid girl?" she heard her father ask, his feet slamming against the ground.

Hailee closed her eyes. She pressed her face against the dog bed she used, and hoped he wouldn't do anything to her.

The door was ripped open, the doorknob slamming against the wall. Hailee jumped at the sound, her eyes opening.

She watched as her father's feet got closer. He grabbed her by her hair and pulled her up. "What is this I hear about you stealing food?"

"I sowwy!" the little girl cried out, tears streaming down her face.

"Sorry?" he laughed, shaking his head. "You don't deserve to eat. You don't deserve to even live here."

"P'ease Daddy," Hailee whispered, her eyes staying on his neck.

He threw her onto the ground, before walking away. The door was slammed shut. She could hear the jingling of the door, as it was locked from the outside.

Hailee curled up and cried.


Fourteen year old Hailee winced as her back hit the lockers. She could hear her classmates laugh as she slid down the locker. She looked to see everyone just continue with their day, no one wanting to help her. She bit her lip, hard. She could taste the metallic taste of her blood. She stood up and grabbed her things.

Her school wasn't far from her house, but it wasn't close. She hugged her books tight as she walked. Her leg throbbed from the night before. She had accidentally burned dinner. Her parents took turns punishing her.

Hailee wasn't looking, when she bumped into someone. Her body cried upon impact. She fell down.

Hailee's eyes widened. "S-sorry," she whispered, expecting a blow. But she didn't receive any. A pale hand was extended out. She stared at it, not sure what to do. She could take it, she should. The lady in front of her could get mad and tell her parents. She took it and was helped up.

"It's okay. I wasn't looking where I was going," the woman said, laughing.

"Oh-okay," Hailee whispered, staring at the ground.

"Hey, you can look at me. No one is going to hurt you," the woman said.

Hailee looked up, to see a pair of navy eyes looking at her. Hailee turned to look at the ground again. "I-I have to go," she whispered, storming away.

She could feel the woman's eyes on her back as she walked home.


Sixteen year old Hailee trembled. It was cold. The house had air condition, and it was at full blast. All she had was a small blanket to cover herself. It did nothing to give her heat.

"M-mama, c-can I t-t-turn d-d-dow-down the air?" she asked, keeping her eyes to the ground.

"You want me to turn the air off? You're telling me what to do?"

"N-no," Hailee stuttered, curling up into herself.

"So I'm a liar?" the woman asked, standing in front of Hailee.

"N-no mama," Hailee whispered.

"Speak up, you fucking idiot." She grabbed a handful of hair.

"N-no mama. I-I'm sorry," Hailee cried, the pain on her head from where her hair was being pulled.

"I'll show you sorry," her mother said, pushing the girl onto the ground and getting her belt. She called out for Hailee's father, who came. "I think this girl needs to be punished."

The man grinned. He took the belt and stared at the shaking girl. She felt her mother grab her and pull her pants and underwear down. The man pulled back before letting the belt hit.

"No!" Hailee cried, trembling.

"No? Maybe we should do this somewhere else," her mother said, grinning.

Soon enough, she was bare, being held down as her father whipped her. Her screams echoing on the walls.


Hailee could hear voices. She blinked a few times. There was a beeping sound next to her. She looked around. The smallest movement she made caused her to cry out.

The door was ripped open. Hailee flinched and closed her eyes. She waited for the pain, but none came. Slowly, she opened them to see a doctor and two women standing in front of her.

The blond lady took a step towards her. Hailee tried to scoot further, but the cloth of the hospital gown rubbed one of the welts. She let out a whimper.

"It's okay, we're not going to hurt you. You're going to be fine," the blond lady said, not getting any closer.

Hailee stared at their stomachs, not sure if she should trust them.

"I remember you," the other woman said.

Hailee frowned. Very quickly, she looked at the woman's eyes, seeing familiar navy eyes.

"Do you remember me?"

"Y-yes," Hailee stuttered, her eyes shifting back to the ground.

"You're safe. Your parents aren't going to get to you. We promise," the blond said, sitting at the edge of the bed. "We'll take care of you."

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