Anna and Brittany plus Hailee

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Don't worry. After this part, you'll get cute Hailee moments. But you get some Sendrick in this.

It didn't come out as great as I wanted it to.

Time frame: Before Prologue


They met at college. Atlanta. Anna was from Maine, while Brittany was born and raised in Florida. They went to college, Brittany for teaching and Anna for theater. Brittany invaded Anna's shower one day, and the rest was history.


Anna stared at herself in the mirror. Her white dress short. She was never big on make things extravagant. That was what they'd compromised. Brittany got her party, and she got the chance to dress down. Her dress ended just a little below her knees. Her jewelry shined. Her hair was nicely curled and sparkly. Her make up light, but noticeable. She was ready.

She looked up to see her parents standing behind her.

"Ready?" Her father asked, offering her his elbow.

Anna took it with a smile. The music was playing. She walked down the aisle, people staring at her. She kissed her father's cheek.

Standing at the alter, she waited for Brittany. She grinned upon seeing her fiancée walk down the aisle with her father. She could feel her feel her tears in her eyes.

The ceremony had started, but Anna only stared at her wife-to-be. She could feel her smile grow as she stared at her.

Anna snapped out of her daze when she had to do her vows.

"You are one crazy lady. But I love that about you. You make me doing things I wouldn't. You get me out of my shell, and that's something no one was able to do. I was more of a background person except in theatre, but you put me front and center. I love you. And being here, I am promising to be your forever."

Brittany let out a small sob. "You took the words out of my mouth. I love you, even if you are a weirdo. You always said you were a nobody, but to you, you are a somebody. You make me happy. You make me feel complete. You keep me grounded, and I promise to be you always."

Both women said their I Do's. They kissed for the first time as a married couple.


"Was she okay?" Brittany asked, opening the take out bag.

"I don't know. She just won't look me in the eye. She looked so scared."

Brittany stared at her wife. She could see the look of displeasure on her face. She smiled. Her wife always acted like she didn't care when in reality, she had the biggest heart.

"What do you want to do about it?"

Anna looked at Brittany, determination in her eyes. "We have to find her."


Two years passed when Anna and Brittany were taking a walk around the neighborhood.

"Please!" Anna heard, stopping.

"Did you hear that?" Anna asked, frowning.

Brittany stopped as well. She looked around, before looking at the house they were in front of.

"No! Ow! P'ease!" The voice sounded younger than the first one, but it was the same one.

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