Lauren plus Clara and Mike

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Here is Pre-Lost Inside Lauren. This is the Hailee's Story format, different ages. Lauren, Clara, and Mike aren't the only ones in this chapter, but they are the main ones.

WARNING: Abuse and neglect.

Time frame: Before Prologue


Lauren wasn't fussy. She wasn't demanding. She wasn't needy. She was smart. She was quiet. She was affectionate.

Lauren was the perfect child, until she wasn't. At least to Mike and Clara Jauregui.


Two-year-old Lauren ran around, giggling as she wore a cape. Her parents watched her, as Lauren ran in a circle, her red cape flapping behind her.

"'ommy!" Lauren exclaimed, laughing. She jumped onto her father's back, giggling.

"She got me! Clara, help me!" Mike exclaimed, acting like Lauren weighed too much and he couldn't support you.

Clara watched with adoration.

Lauren released her father and ran away. She giggled, as she let go of her father and ran away. She had nothing to worry about, her parents were her protectors, and they would always would be.


Lauren got sick when she was two and a half. She had a high fever and wouldn't stop throwing up. She cried and cried. Mike and Clara didn't know what else to do, except go to the hospital.

Lauren just had a bad flu. Her immune system wasn't fighting back as hard as it should have.

Mike and Clara were just happy Lauren was okay.

They were okay, until they got the hospital bill.


Four-year-old Lauren drew patterns on the ground. She was wrapped in a small blanket. She drew lines on the dust, while she hummed herself. Lauren could hear cries coming from outside her door. She could hear her Mommy and Daddy cooing to someone.

Lauren sighed and went to the corner of the room. She curled up on the ground, using her blanket as a pillow. She wrapped her arms around herself, wanting to stay warm, but she couldn't sleep without a pillow. She made herself into a small ball in the very corner, trying to keep as much body heat in herself as she could.

Lauren closed her eyes, falling asleep.


Five-year-old Lauren smiled when she saw Ashley climbing through the window.

"'ea'?" Lauren asked, pointing to the book in Ashley's hand.

"I have the Frog and Toad Are Friends."

Lauren nodded and patted the spot next to her. Ashley sat down with her. The younger of the two offered their blanket, but Ashley shook her head.

Lauren wrapped herself and turned to Ashley. "'ea'."

"What do we say when you ask for something?"


Ashley kissed the girl's cheek before turning to her book. She opened it and started reading.

"Spring. Frog ran up the path to Toad's house. He knocked on the front door. There was no answer.

'"Toad, Toad,' shouted Frog, 'wake up. It is spring!'

"'Blah'" said a voice from inside the house."

"Blah," Lauren repeated, giggling. She curled up next to Ashley as the older girl continued reading the book.

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