Ally and Camila

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This chapter was requested by someone, and I can't find who because I was unable to to find your name, so if you could tell me who you are, I'll put your username here, please and thank you.

Time frame: Before Prologue (and during I Do (part 2))


Karla Camila was born when Ally was four. Ally was so excited to have another girl in her life. But she was sad to hear that the little girl was too young to play with her.

So when Camila got to the age she was able to play, Ally was so excited.

She knew Camila was always going to be a part of her life.


"What if people don't like me?" Camila asked, looking at her older cousin.

"Mila, they are going to love you," Ally said, smiling at the five year old.

"But what if they don't? What if they are mean?"

Ally sighed. Camila was starting school, pre-k, and she was scared. Ally, who was entering fifth grade was trying to calm the girl down.

"You are nice and sweet. Anyone would love you. Just be yourself."

"What if myself is not okay?"

Ally hugged Camila, while the small girl gripped her shirt. "I'll be in the other side of the playground, okay? If you are scared, come and get me."

Camila nodded. "You won't i-ignore me?"

"Never. You're my favorite cousin."

Camila giggled. "I'm your only cousin."

"Yes you are. Let's go to school, Aunt Sinu said it was okay if I walked with you."

Camila jumped. She put her backpack on, and went to school, not letting go of Ally's hand.

Later that year, when Dinah Jane moved to Miami, Camila came running to Ally, the biggest smile on her face.

"Ally! Ally! I made a new friend! She's tall and really pretty and she's mean, but nice to me! Ally! I made a friend!"

Ally hugged her baby cousin, which a grin on her face. "That's great Mila."


"So you're gay?" Camila asked, a frown on her face.

Ally nodded her head. She had just figured out her feelings for Normani.

"So you like girls?"

Ally nodded her head again. "Yeah. I like girls how I'm supposed to like boys."

"Are you supposed to like boys?"

Ally shrugged, not sure how else to explain sexuality to a ten year old. "Everyone says girls are supposed to like boys, and boy are supposed to like girls. But some boys like boys and girls like girls."

"Are you happy?"

"It's who I am."

"I like who you are."

Ally smiled. "Yeah?"

Camila nodded her head. "Yeah. You're like my big sister."

"And you're like my baby sister."

"So who do you like?"


Camila's eyes widened. "No way, Mani? Does she like you back?"

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