Demi and Selena and Chrissy and Sydney (i)

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There is a character debut, one that was a last minute addition.

Small spoilers for the wedding chapters


Time Frame: After Echoing Currents


Demi rocked Chrissy as the girl trembled. The girl had gotten an addiction to alcoholic drinks and was feeling the withdraw.

Sydney was asleep on the couch, having stayed up all night with a sick Chrissy. It had taken a few hours, but Selena and Demi were able to get the girl to sleep. Chrissy also talked her little sister into going to sleep.

Demi hummed, while Chrissy gripped her shirt. Demi ran her hand through the girl's hair, while Chrissy's sobs started to slow. It didn't take long for the girl to fall asleep.

Selena looked at them from the kitchen. "How are we going to help them?" Selena asked, a small frown on her face.

Demi shrugged. "Just be there for them. They just need to know there is someone on their side. That someone will be there for them."

Demi turned to Sydney, who was curled up into a small ball, then down at Chrissy, who had her thumb in her mouth, sweat covering her face.

"I think I have an idea. We're going to need Lauren and her mothers."


Chrissy and Sydney were at the dinner table with another woman. She was explaining a math problem to the two of the girls. (Chrissy's withdrawal had been less demanding, and the sweet girl the mothers knew was there was coming out.)

Ally and Normani's wedding had happened, and it was beautiful. Although there was a surprise no one had expected, but it made Selena and Demi to have been there to see it happen.

Lauren was adorable as always, dancing with her wives. Chrissy never left Sydney's side (far away from the open bar). And Sydney ended up with a crush on someone. Demi wanted to go up to the boy and threaten him, but Selena didn't let her. But the boy seemed sweet, so she was okay with that.

Chrissy and Sydney were both trusting Demi and Selena more and more. They started to open up and tell them about their past, what they had gone through. They let the women cuddle with them.

Demi was at work, leaving Selena alone with the girls. Since the girls were underage, they needed an education. Selena and Demi decided to homeschool the girls, not wanting the public school environment to stress them out.

They hired twenty-six year old Elizabeth Olsen as their teacher. She was nice and worked at Sydney and Chrissy's face. She took breaks when the girls were frustrated. And she'd try to make the work as fun as possible. Her boyfriend was one of the nicest person they had met. He was a huge comic book nerd, especially Captain America.

"That's it for today. You math skills have improved so much," Elizabeth said, standing up and packing her things.

Sydney grinned. "Thank you. I'm smarter, right?"

Chrissy looked scandalized. "You didn't even know the square root of five hundred and seventy-six."

Sydney glared at her sister. Elizabeth laughed. "You are both smart. I'll see you next week."

The two girls said their goodbyes and the teacher left. Selena walked into the kitchen. She placed a plate of warm cookies in the middle of the table.

"Your reward for doing to well," Selena said.

Sydney dived right in, while Chrissy slowly reached for the cookie. She bit into it, and slowly ate it. Selena smiled and kissed both their heads, as she went to finish dinner.

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