Demi and Selena and Chrissy and Sydney (ii)

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The chapter I was holding off. Here you guys go.

Time frame: After Echoing Currents


Demi rocked her daughter. Demi and Selena had adopted both Chrissy and Sydney. The older of the two was still cautious of the two adopted mothers.

But the two women were showing the two girl that they were there to stay. Selena and Demi were showing the two girls that they were wanted and that they were going to be safe.

Chrissy still had a problem with wetting the bed. She's wait until everyone was asleep and go to the bathtub to sleep there. She'd set an alarm so she could get change and clean up before anyone else woke up. Chrissy hated that she had to do that. She hated that she couldn't control herself.

But one night she forgot to set an alarm.

Selena found Chrissy asleep in the bathtub. She knelt down next to the girl and gently woke her up. Chrissy woke up with a start.

"What are you doing here?"

Chrissy stared at Selena with wide eyes. "N-nothing."

Selena looked at the other end of the tub before turing to Chrissy.

"It's okay."

Chrissy's eyes watered, she looked away and trembled.

"Mistakes happen," Selena whispered, running her hand through the girl's hair.

"I'm not a baby. I shouldn't be peeing myself," Chrissy said, shaking her head.

Selena gave the girl a small smile. "It's okay. Maybe you can wear something for bed to keep from wetting your clothes."

Chrissy's eyes widened. She quickly went to glare at Selena. "I'm not going to wear a diaper. I'm not a fucking baby."

"First off, we aren't saying you're a baby. Secondly, language. Thirdly, don't you want to see on you bed? Look, try it for one night, Sydney won't know anything. The doctor said there was nothing wrong. Just try it?"

"I'm not like Lauren and her weird friends," Chrissy said, still glaring. "I'm not weird."

"I'm not saying you are. Just try? Tonight? If not we'll see if there is something else we can do."

Chrissy glared at the wet spot in her sweats before nodding her head.

That night Chrissy slept in her own bed. She used the diaper and cried the next morning. After a talk with Selena, she started to use them.


Sydney had noticed there was something different about Chrissy. For one, she cried every morning. Her speech had an innocence in it that it never had.

Sydney was being babied by Demi and Selena, and she wasn't going to lie. She liked it. She liked having the older women fuss over her. She hadn't had anyone love her like a daughter since Chrissy's parents. She missed that.

Demi placed a bowl of cereal in front of her.

Sydney grinned as she looked up. "Thank you."

"You're adorable," Demi said, taking a seat next to her.

"Where's Chrissy? Where's Selena?"

"Chrissy needed Selena's help."

Sydney nodded her head before shoveling cereal into her mouth.

Sydney and Demi finished their cereal in silence. Once they were done, Sydney turned to Demi.

"Thank you for taking us in," Sydney whispered, giving the older woman a smile.

Demi turned to Sydney.

"Thank you for coming into our lives."

Sydney blushed and looked away. She continued to eat her food.


Sydney was asleep when she felt someone shake her. She opened her eyes to see Chrissy standing over her.


"Can I s'eep here?" Chrissy asked, a blanket over her shoulders.

Sydney nodded her head and moved closer to the wall. Chrissy moved onto the bed and curled up next to Sydney.


"Mhmm, t'ank you."

"Did you have a nightmare?"

"Yes, scawy."

"Are you okay?"

"Yes," she whispered, pressing herself against her sister.

Sydney was confused by the baby talk, but she was too tired to think about anything. She held Chrissy close, protecting her older sister for the first time.


Demi wasn't as close to Chrissy as she wished. The girl preferred Selena, and that was okay. Sydney was always with Demi. So when Chrissy called her Mommy first, she was shocked.

Selena and Sydney were out buying new clothes for the girls while Chrissy slept.

It was one in the afternoon and Chrissy was still asleep. She entered the room to see Chrissy sleeping on Sydney's bed. Demi moved to sit on the bed and placed a hand on the girl's back.

"Chrissy, it's time to wake up."

"Mommy?" she said, her voice laced with sleep.

Demi smiled softly. "It's Demi."

Chrissy let out a sleepy sigh and nodded. "Mommy."

Demi stared at the girl. "What?"

"Mommy," the girl said, trying to rub the sleep out of her eyes.

Demi grinned. "Yeah, Mommy. Do you want me to help you change or do you want to do it yourself?"

"'elp Mommy, p'ease?" Chrissy asked, completely slipping into a little headspace. Demi and Selena were gently pushing Chrissy into a headspace. They wanted the girl to know how it felt to be loved and babied.

Demi kissed the girl's forehead before helping her change.


Selena watched as Sydney looked at the toys around her. "I can have one?" she asked, her eyes filled with wonder.

Selena smiled. "Yes. Anyone you want."

"T'ank you Mama," Sydney whispered, before walking to the bear section.

Selena stood there frozen, her eyes filled with tears.


Sydney called her Mama.

"Mama, come look," Sydney called out, holding up a blue bear.

Selena snapped out of it and walked to the girl, wanting to hear her say Mama again.


"Look, I dino," Chrissy said, in her onesie.

Sydney giggled. "Woar."

Chrissy did so. Cause Sydney to laugh.

Demi and Selena watched from the couch.

"You kitty," Chrissy told Sydney, who was wearing a tiger onesie.

"No, I tiger."



"Mama, Syd a kitty!"

"Mommy, I tiger!"

Demi and Selena exchanged looks before grabbing a girl. They sat on the couch. Sydney and Chrissy snuggled against one of the older women and turned to the television.

Selena held Sydney, feeling her daughter relax against her. She reached over and grabbed Chrissy's hand.

Her little girl and her wife. Perfect.


Next up will be about Lauren's past, a request.

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