Shawn and Austin and Lucy

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This was supposed to be out a while ago, but it took a while. I apologize, things got crazier than I expected.

Lexani_96 hope you enjoy this chapter.

Time frame: Before Ma's Day


It was her first time celebrating Father's Day. Shawn and Austin hadn't been her father's for long, but they deserved to be spoiled for the day (and every day).

Lucy was excited. Usually, Lucy would go shopping with Keana, and spend the day watching movies with her. But Shawn and Austin weren't Keana. They weren't the shopping type.

It took a few days to find what to do with her fathers. But she figured it out.


Austin groaned when he felt a pile of weight jump on him as he slept. He opened his eyes to see Lucy staring at him.

"Happy Daddy's day!" She kissed his cheek. Austin grinned.

"Thank you Princess," he said. "But you woke him up."

Lucy looked confused. "Who?"

Austin moved so he could whisper in her ear. "The tickle monster."

Before Lucy could get away, he started to tickle the girl. Lucy squealed as she tried to get Austin to stop, but she was unable to.

"What is going on?" Shawn asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Lucy here woke up the tickle monster," Austin explained, still tickling his daughter.

Lucy continued to laugh.

"Leave her alone," Shawn told them with a grin.

"Or what?"

Leaning closer, Shawn whispered, "You'll wake up the other tickle monster."

Lucy screamed as Shawn started to tickle her.

"It's too late!"


"So when I pass you the ball, you run as fast as you can. Once you pass those two trash cans, you get seven points," Austin explained, giving Lucy the football.

"It's not fair!" Shawn shouted from across the small makeshift field.

"You lost fair and square, I get Lucy in my team," Austin told his boyfriend with a smirk.

Shawn glared at him.

"Let's do this. Loser buys lunch."

Austin smirked. "Hope you bought enough money."

Shawn huffed.

Austin held the ball, and turned to Lucy.

"We're going to win," he told her.

Lucy grinned and nodded. "We win."

Austin passed Shawn the ball. "You can go first."

Shawn shot him a glare before crouching down.

"Ready? Hike!" He took off running. He didn't get far when Austin tackled him. Shawn fell on his back with a groan.

Austin stood up with a laugh. He helped his boyfriend up.

"That hurt," Shawn whined, pouting.

Austin rolled his eyes and kissed his lips. "I'll kiss it better later."

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