Hailee and Anna and Brittany (i)

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You'll be reading random moments from Hailee, Brittany and Anna's life.

Time frame: Before Prologue


Brittany watched as Hailee looked around the house. "Welcome," the blond said.

The younger girl jumped up at the sound. Her eyes shifted to Brittany before shifting the ground. The blond gave her a smile.

"This is your home. You don't have to be scared here," Brittany told her.

She watched as Hailee stared back. The young girl hadn't said anything since leaving the hospital. Her parents were charged with parental abuse, endangering a minor. Brittany and Anna were so glad that there was more than enough evidence against them that Hailee didn't need to testify. It took a lot of convincing, but the two women were able to convince the social worker to let Hailee stay with them.

Hailee took a step back when Brittany walked towards her. "I'm not going to hurt you."

The girl shook her head.

Anna walked into the living room. "You room is ready."

Hailee's eyes widened.

"Do you want see it?"

Hailee shrugged.

"Lets go see it," Brittany said, signaling to the girl. She walked to the room, Hailee walking behind her.

Anna opened the door. Brittany grinned as she looked into the room. It was a light green room. It was light green and white.

Brittany and Anna stood back to watched as Hailee looked around the room. Her fingers ran through everything. She stopped at the bed. She turned to look at the women.

"That's your bed," Anna said, nodding her head.

"F-for me? I-I I never, I never had a b-b-bed before," Hailee whispered, looking up at the two women, but not their eyes, never their eyes. There were tears in her eyes.

Brittany's own heart broke as she saw the look in her eyes as she pressed own on the bed. She turned to Anna, who also had tears in her eyes. Brittany knew they did the write thing.


Anna didn't expect the first panic attack a few weeks later. She was cleaning, when she heard glass shatter. She ran to the kitchen to find a crying Hailee standing over broken glass. The girl trembled.

"S-sowwy," Hailee said, in a small voice.

Anna was confused for a second, hearing the child-like voice. She shook her head. "No, it's okay. Let's get you out of there, okay?"

Anna took a step towards Hailee, but the girl flinched. "No, p'ease. Sowwy."

"No, sweetie, I'm not going to hit you. I just want to move you so you don't get hurt."

"I-I, wa'er, an-an' it faw'ed," Hailee cried, shaking her head. Her legs seemed ready to collapse. Anna rushed over and wrapped her arms around the girl. Hailee struggled for a second, before relaxing.

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