Sydney and Chrissy plus Demi and Selena

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Here is the deleted scene for these girls. Enjoy.

Time frame: Before Echoing Currents.


Sydney was four when her family died in a house fire. She was sleeping over at Chrissy's place. Her father had left a candle out, and it fell. By the time they had realized there was a fire, it was too late.

The Costanza family took Sydney in the second they found out there was no one left.

She lost a family, but gained a new one.


Chrissy was six when a burglar broke in and killed her parents. Chrissy and Sydney were told to hide inside the closet and not to make a sound. Chrissy kept her hand over Sydney's house as they listened to her parents' struggles.

Chrissy and Sydney were taken to foster care. Chrissy fought hard all those years to keep them together. They fought hard to stay together.

Fortunately, their foster parents got money for each girl, so they were more than okay with keeping them together.

Unfortunately, they cared about the money, not the girls. The girls were living off scraps. They were better off living in the streets.


Chrissy smiled at Sydney. They were sitting on a bed. It was still a sad time. By six, Sydney had lost a second pair of parents.

When Chrissy asked, Sydney's answer was that their parents would want them to lose who they are. They would want the girls to live for them.

Chrissy tried to live that way, but it was hard. Chrissy had to hear her parents' deaths. She had to listen and was unable to do anything about it. It took a toll on the girl.

Sydney reached over and grabbed Chrissy's hand.

"We're in this together," she said, smiling softly.

"Together," Chrissy responded, intertwining their fingers together. She looked back up and smiled.


"Who did this?" their foster father shouted, pointing to the broken frame on the ground.

Sydney flinched, hiding behind Chrissy. She had been playing with a ball and accidentally knocked it over. She was about to say it was all her fault when Chrissy spoke up.

"It was my fault, I didn't-" she was unable to finish as his hand connected with her cheek.

Sydney gasped hearing the sound of the slap bounce off the wall. It was silent for a second, before Chrissy let out a sob. Sydney was about to tell their "guardian" that it was their fault when he pointed to the bedrooms.

"Get the fuck out of my sight," he told him, anger in his voice.

Sydney grabbed Chrissy's hand and pulled her to the rooms. She closed the door and looked at her sister, who was sobbing, her own hand on her (probably) throbbing cheek.

"Why did you do that?" Sydney asked, giving Chrissy a hug.

"Y-you're my-my little s-ssister, I ha-have to protect y-y-you," Chrissy said between her sobs, "I'll always protect you."

Sydney closed her eyes as she rocked them, glad she had an older sister protecting her, not knowing that would be the downfall of her protector.


It hurt.

It all hurt.

Every step she took, pain would shoot through her body.

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