Keana and Lucy

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Shawn and Austin appear, but they are not important.

Happy Mother's day to those in the US. And if you aren't a mother, Happy Mother's Day you your mothers and the mothers in your life.

Time frame: During Cookies and Broccoli and Cards


Lucy looked around the plane. She was sitting between both her fathers. Most people on the plane ignored them, but the older ones would give them looks. She turned back to the monitor on the seat in front of her.

"Are you excited to see your Mommy?" her Papi asked, grinning.

Lucy nodded. "Yes. Miss her."

Austin grinned. "She misses you too. She always asks about you."

"Happy." Lucy turned to the monitor, so excited to see her mother.


Keana Issartel watched as the people passed by. She was waiting, excited for Lucy.

When Keana was fifteen, her mother gave birth to a little girl. Keana fell in love with the girl, her baby sister. Unfortunately, the child didn't make it past a year before she got really sick and passed away. Losing her sister left a hole in Keana's heart.

Keana was twenty-four when she saw Lucy outside a café. The young girl was wrapped in clothing too big for her body. She looked so lost, and Keana felt the need to take care of her, the same need she felt for her sister before her passing. She bought a muffin and walked out to give it to the girl. Lucy was scared, but took it. They formed a short friendship. Keana would buy Lucy something from the café, and the two would sit there and talk. Lucy told her about her life, what she had been through. Keana then offered to take care of her. To give her the home she needed.

At first, Lucy was against being treated as a baby. but Keana kept at it. It didn't take Lucy long to fight it. She ended up letting Keana shower her, feed her. She let her put a diaper on her, and tuck her in. She ended up liking it. She ended up being Keana's little girl. And she loved the little girl very much.

People started to walk out of the terminal. She perked up, as she watched everyone pass by.

She saw two men and another woman walk out. She grinned, seeing her little girl in the first time in some time in months. She grinned when she saw Lucy run to her. Keana opened her arms and let Lucy jump into them.

"I miss you Mommy," Lucy whispered into her ear.

Keana closed her eyes, missing the way her daughter felt in her arm. "I miss you too. I missed you so much babygirl."

Keana felt Lucy relax in her arms. She heard Lucy let out a sigh.

Keana's home was in her arms.


"Want to take a walk to Central Park?" Keana asked, staring at her daughter.

The younger girl nodded with a grin. "We get ice cweam?"

"We'll get all the ice cream you want," Keana told her, kissing her cheek. She looked towards Shawn and Austin. "Do you guys want to come with us?"

Austin shook his head. "No. Lucy has been talking about this day for the full week. We'll leave you two alone. Maybe we can get dinner with you guys tomorrow?"

Keana nodded. "Thank you."


Over A Year Ago

Sixteen year old Lucy was sitting on the island, watching Keana cook. The older woman brought the spoon up to the girl's lips. "Blow."

Lucy blew on the spoon, then opened her mouth. Keana fed her the food. "How does it taste?"

Lucy seemed to think about her answer. She grinned and showed Keana a thumbs up. Keana grinned and helped Lucy off the island. She watched as Lucy ran to the dinner table and sat down.

Keana grabbed two plates and filled them with food. She placed them on the table and went to get two cups, a sippy and a regular one.

"How was your day with Vero?" Keana asked, looking at Lucy.

The younger of the two grinned. "Good. We pwayed. An' we watcheded Dowa. Eated bwownies."

Keana grinned. "Well, sounds like fun. I missed you today."

"Me too. I love you Mommy"

Keana froze. She stared at Lucy. They had been living together for a few months. "M-mommy?"

"Ye'. You my Mommy," Lucy said, shoving food into her mouth.

Keana felt her heart soar as she watched Lucy eat her lunch.


"How is Lauren?" Keana asked, holding hands with her daughter. They were walking around.

Lucy looked over, ice cream at hand. "Good. We in schoo'."

"Really? How are you liking that?"

"'kay. Lauwie have oder fwiend. Hailee," Lucy said, glaring at her ice cream.


"Yes," Lucy said, "she take Lauwie."

"Really? Your fathers told me you were friends with this Hailee. You don't like her?"

Lucy shook her head. "Lauwie mine."

Keana laughed. She shook her head. Lucy was jealous. She didn't like that she had to share Lauren with someone else. She just hoped Lucy got over her jealousy. She had heard stories about Hailee, and the girl sounded so innocent, so sweet.

"Well, you should talk to Lauren about that. Maybe Hailee isn't so bad."

Lucy sighed. She just continued to eat her ice cream.


Lucy curled up in Keana's arms. She could feel her Mommy was holding her and it made her happy. It had been months since she slept in her Mommy's arms. Don't get Lucy wrong, she loved her Daddy and Papi, but it wasn't the same as her Mommy.

Keana was the first person to believe in her. And she was the first person to love her (other than her deceased parents). And no matter what, Keana was going to be her mother, even if she didn't see her for months.


Keana groaned when she felt someone hit her stomach. She opened her eyes to see Lucy staring down at her. She grinned.

"Happy Mommy day!" Lucy exclaimed.

Keana opened her arms, letting her daughter jump into them. She kissed her cheek.

"Thank you baby."

Lucy held tightly. "You no leave me."

"I'll never leave you. Even if I'm not with you, I'll always be here," Keana said, tapping on the spot over Lucy's heart. "I love you. And I will always love you."

"I love you. Always Mommy."

"Always. I'll never not be your Mommy. You'll always be my little girl."


Hailee and Anna and Brittany's chapter will come out later today.

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