Anna and Brittany and Hailee

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Here is the second Mother's Day chapter. Enjoy.

Time frame: During Cookies and Broccoli and Cards


Hailee grabbed the pancakes Anna had made and took them to the table. Once Anna turned the fire out, Hailee kicked her out of the kitchen, as she did the year before. She grabbed the chocolate chips and started to decorate the pancakes. She made a heart on Brittany's and made a musical note on Anna's. She poured juice in cups with precaution.

Last time she made a mess at her old house, her parents weren't happy. They punished her so bad, she wasn't able to sit for days and they didn't let her eat for a week.

Once she was done with the decorations and she was glad with how everything was placed, she went to get her parents.


Anna's show came to an end. She looked out into the crowd to see Brittany and Hailee sitting close to the stage. The younger of the two was on her feet, clapping.

Hailee almost never went to a show. There were too many people, and they were loud. The only days she went was on Anna's birthday or Mother's Day. She said it was special, and she could suck it up (in her cute innocent way).

They were going out to eat later.

Hailee had her twenty dollars. She said she was taking her mothers out to eat. And she was going to pay. She even had the twenty dollar bill pinned up on the wall as a reminder.

Anna walked off stage and to her dressing room. There was a knock on the door, and she opened it. She grinned when she saw her wife and daughter in front of her.

"Well, hello," Anna said, moving so the two could walk in. She watched as Hailee jumped around. She turned to her mother and gave her flowers. "Thank you baby."

"Welcome Mami," Haile responded, smiling. "We, uh, we go eat?"

"Let me get my things and then we can go, okay?"

Hailee nodded. "Yes." She walked over to Brittany held her hand while they waited.

"Where are we going baby?" Brittany asked, looking at the girl.

"M," she said, nodding her head. Hailee reached into her pocket and took out her twenty dollar bill. "I buy. I, uh, it on me?"

"Well, I can't wait to be treated," Brittany responded, nodding her head.

"Yes, tweated."

"Okay, I'm ready. Let's all go," Anna said, as they walked out.

Anna and Brittany stood on either side of Hailee, something they always did. They did it to make sure Hailee didn't accidentally bump into someone. It had happened once, and it sucked.


Over A Year Ago

"Do you know what ice cream you are going to get?" Brittany asked, walking in the slow pace.

"I-I can choose?" Hailee asked, frowning.

"Yeah. You can get which ever you want. I personally like the birthday cake flavor," Anna said, nodding her head.

Hailee bit her lip. She opened her mouth to respond, but someone bumped into her before she could utter a sound.

Anna and Brittany watched as the younger girl froze. Tears started to stream down her face as her eyes glazed over. Her breathing turned into gasps. Her knees trembled.

Brittany rushed forward, grabbing the girl before she could hit the ground.

Hailee started to sob, while Brittany held her. "Shhh, you're okay baby. We are getting ice cream. We are having a nice day. You are safe," Brittany whispered.

Anna knelt down in front of them, glaring at anyone who stared at them.

"Hails, you are safe with us. We aren't sending you back," Anna whispered.

Hailee let out a whimper, her eyes going back to its hazel color. Brittany started to loosen her grip, but Hailee whined. Brittany tightened her hold.

The girl reached over and grabbed Anna's hand. The three stayed like that until Hailee was able to get up.

It was then both women decided that they were going to do anything in their power to keep the girl from having a panic attack again.

Hailee ended up getting birthday cake flavored ice cream.


Hailee held the door open as her mothers walked in. They went to stand in line. Hailee stood in front of them.

It didn't take long for them to be in front. The cashier smiled at them.

"Welcome to McDonalds, what can I get for you?" the girl asked, staring at Hailee.

"I, I pay," Hailee stutterer, feeling her hands clam up. "H-happy meal? N-nugge's."

"And to drink?"

"Owenge juice?"

The cashier nodded. "Anything else?"

Brittany and Anna ordered their foods. Hailee handed over her twenty dollar bill.

The cashier handed her the change. Once the transaction was over, the young girl let out a breath. Her mothers pulled her to a table and sat her down.

"You were great," Brittany said, kissing her cheek.

"This is already an amazing day," Anna added, kissing the other cheek.

Hailee beamed. "On'y the bes' fow my Mami and Mommy."

Both women grinned at that.


Brittany ran with Hailee. After their lunch at McDonalds, the two older women decided to go to the park. Hailee was excited.

At that moment, they were playing Hide and Seek. Anna was 'it' and the other two were looking for places to hide.

Brittany and Hailee went to hide behind a tree. "Here I come!"

Hailee giggled, as she tried to make herself small. Brittany shook her head, grinning. She could hear Anna called for them.

"Where are you? I can smell your fear. I can hear your breathing," Anna said, not far from where they were.

Hailee looked at Brittany with bright eyes. She held her breath, as she curled up against Brittany's side. Anna jumped in front of them. "I found you!"

Hailee squealed, while she hid behind Brittany. Anna ran to them, causing the other two to run in two opposite directions. Anna chased after Brittany and tackled her down.

Brittany giggled as she stared up at Anna. "Hey."

"Hi." Anna pressed her lips against Brittany's. "I love you."

"And I love you."

Brittany giggled. She leaned up to kiss her wife again, before groaning when she felt more weight on her body.

Hailee giggled as she laid on top of the dog pile. Brittany grinned. "Best Mother's Day ever."

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