Part 3

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The child would wave his hand across my eyes, a confused look across his face, "Mister?" He raised an eyebrow as he looked into my eyes. I had frozen on the spot, having no clue on how to react to the situation, what little brain cells functioning decided it would be a good idea to just simply have me shut down.

A few minutes would pass, before my brain decided to start up again. I looked down at this child, before craning my head left and right in an attempt to find wherever the hell his parents may be. 'There was no possible way that child was by himself, was there?' Those were my initial, drunken thoughts, but, after scanning the area for any signs of life, my efforts were fruitless.

"Erm... Where are your parents?" I slurred, my speech still resembled that of a toddler, but given the fact I was speaking a child, it didn't do much to hinder me. The child would raise an eyebrow, as if walking along the streets late at night and then asking random strangers to play with them was an appropriate thing to do.
"My parents? Um..." He seemed to almost struggle to come to the conclusion of the location of his family, obviously not the brightest kid.

I sighed, coming to the conclusion that the child was either lost, or had ran away from his parents, or was part of a circus act. I thought I'd best keep the child entertained in case his parents were nearby. Looking down at him, I smiled and garbled, "Sure, I'll play!"

The child giggled, and out of nowhere, rammed his fist deep into my stomach. I felt every single nerve in my skin slowly scream in agony as the punch propelled me about a meter back and into a nearby lamp post.

Now, I'm not particularly sure how one should react to that. Whether one should start running or simply stare in shock, as the freak of a child slowly walks towards you, a grin cross his face, and just accept the doom that was about to unfold on you. But of course, about ninety-percent of me was filled with alcohol, and it also didn't help that the weather reflected my mood: angry and wild.

"Y'know what, kid?" I grunted, getting up slowly while attempting to ignore the fact my stomach felt like it was set alight, "I thought this was going to be a game of ball or something, but... I'm glad that you choose this instead." I readied myself for his next movement, I wasn't going to give him the upper hand.

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