Part 23 - Chapter 6 - Duel with a Eupherbian

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I motioned for her to wander outside with me, along the same, narrow street that Hojo and I fought in a couple days ago, while it wasn't the most battle-centric area and certainly not the best arena, I had no clue of her abilities, apart from I knew she possessed magic potential, however, how much was the question at hand.

"So, would you like to establish any rules, Mr. Harroworth?" Violetta asked, making sure to get a good distance between us, she turned and got into a battle stance, "Or are we ready to go?"
"No murder, I want this to be as rea-" My sentence was cut short by a strong gust of compressed air slamming against my right cheek in what felt like a punch. I was sent flying backwards as the air propelled my body. I hit the ground and skidded against the gravel pavement, my clothes were torn and my body already began to ache.

"In a real battle, Mr. Harroworth, there is no time for speeches. Your enemy won't give you courtesy of living, so neither will I. If you can handle me, it means you truly are an asset to the group." Violetta smirked and started to cast what looked like another air blast. I steadied myself and made sense of my surroundings and the situation ahead of me. This was nothing a simple shield couldn't handle.

I muttered a spell under my breath and a protective aura surrounded me, I picked up the pace and started running toward her, getting ready to attack once the shield was broken. She sent her hand forward in a punch like motion and I could see the sheer gravity of the attack, airwaves propelled from the sides of her hand due to the power of her punch, I had clear view of a large fist rushing toward me with insane speed, shattering the shield with absolute ease, dissipating afterward.

I stopped and prepared another attack. "Flame Series: Hell's Portal!" A red glow emanated from the air around me and a large portal appeared in front of me, blasting out a massive, constant stream of inferno toward Violetta's direction. She took a few steps forward, mutter something under her breath and the same portal opened up in front of her, letting out the same stream of fire I had just created. The two combatted against each other, like two gods in an all-out battle. Both disintegrated, leaving a path of destruction in their wake. Good to know we weren't nearby any houses.

I stared at Violetta, eyes wide with a look of shock and terror, if this was the ability of just a regular Eupherbian, I dread to wonder what the hell Maxwell was like. But of course, the battle wasn't over yet.

Violetta propelled herself backward, creating yet another air fist to send in my direction. This wasn't a battle I was going to win with just sheer willpower and strength, I had to get creative.

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