Part 24

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She released another air fist and it hurtled toward me at great speed. "Earth Series: Ground Stomp!" I raised my foot in the air and slammed it against the ground, causing the gravel in front of me to raise from the ground, like a tilt. The fist collided with the attack and managed to get through quite a bit of it before finally giving way. The attack sent pieces of dirt and gravel flying and because of that, I couldn't help but smile, things might work as expected.

I began to cast another spell, "Earth Series: Grounded Spear!" The small bits of rock and dirt formed together to create a pointed spear. I raised my hand and threw it downward, commanding the spear forward. It moved at a relatively fast pace, not like her air punches, but speed wasn't the intended effect.

"Come now, Mr. Harroworth, you're lousy magic tricks are nothing compared to a Eupherbian! I'm almost disappointed!" Violetta raised her hand and a select piece of ground flew up in front of her sending my attack flying.

Her vision was obscured, now was my chance! I ran forward again, "Earth Series: Tectonic Boost!" The gravel nearby rose up quickly, propelling me in the air like a spring.

I hovered in the air for a moment, but that was all the time I needed to arrange my next attack. "Fire Series: Meteor Shower!" More red portals would appear in the sky above me and out would be a raining hellfire of meteors. Each sent with a single area. Violetta and anything around her.

I grinned, this was going to be good. Deciding to add one more attack to the devastation, I shouted another spell, almost in a sense of triumph. "Earth Series: Tectonic Fist!" Solid rock would form around my right hand and I began to fall back to the ground, toward the direction of Violetta.

I threw my fist forward and fell quicker and quicker, getting closer and closer to her. At the last moment, I saw a shield form around her, glowing white with holy radiance. I could feel the sheer amount of power put into the shield, this was going to be trouble.

I collided with the shield, smashing it just barely, breaking off most of the Tectonic Fist. But now it was time for a little experimenting. I looked up at Violetta, she looked almost afraid, it seems my hunch had been confirmed. When it came to long range she was an expert, short range, however, not so much.

I charged toward her and swung, she ducked and barely dodged it, bringing a swift kick to my legs, tripping me up. I fell, but before I hit the ground I kicked out, my leg smashing into her shoulder, sending her to the floor as well.

We both got up simultaneously, I had the rabbit in my sights, now I just had to snare it in my trap. "Fire Series: Wall of Flame!" I surrounded us in a small arena, a bright and burning flame blocking anyone from getting in, or getting out.

"Earth Series: Tectonic Fist." My hand of rock would repair itself and I was once again ready for combat. Violetta, however, not so much. She looked like a trapped animal, wild eyes that seemed to dance about like the fire burning around us. I ran forward again and punched her cheek with my Tectonic Fist. She staggered back and brought a hand up to her cheek. I expected it to be broken, however it was just badly bruised.

"We Eupherbians can take more than you might expect, Mr. Harroworth."
She went back into a stance, "Power you may have, but what you lack is the     speed to go along with it!" She started to dart around me, sending a punch in my direction. I deflected it with ease and threw my right hand forward in a punch to retaliate. Before I had the chance to connect the punch, she dodged and spun behind me, delivering a swift kick to my forehead. It was weak, but her speed was going to be more than just annoying to deal with.

She giggled slightly, as if mocking me for not being able to keep up. She dealt blow after blow, attempting to gradually wear me out. I struggled to retaliate, but despite my efforts, I couldn't land a hit on her. Eventually, her mocking grew too annoying to bear and so I came up with an idea to resolve the issue.

I stopped and as she came back to attack me once again, I set my plan into motion. "Earth Series: Ground Lift!" The ground around me rose up, taking Violetta by surprise and colliding with her, giving me a second to be able to follow through with my plan. I turned and caught her stomach in a punch, she was thrown back by the punch and was sent spiralling into a wall I had pushed up from the ground.

I jumped toward Violetta and gripped her neck with my left arm and started to punch her rapidly with the other, she tried to fight back, but couldn't, I had her in my grip, there was no way she could escape.

I raised my fist, ready to finish her off. She looked me in the eye and I could see the glint of determination inside, it was a shame that it wasn't going to help her.
I threw my fist forward in a punch once again.
And watched as it contorted and twisted out of shape to avoid Violetta.

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