Part 7

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"What an odd girl," I muttered, before closing the door and sighing. "What an odd proposal," Slumping onto my couch, I turned in an attempt to hunt for the TV remote, but I stopped mid-way, my Necronomicon catching my eye. It looked much more... Frail, weak, as if it had contracted some form of illness.

I reached out to grab it, and took in all of the details of the book, suddenly the pages were frayed, yellow and curling at the edges, the book itself tattered and crumpled, as if it's years of being read, over and over, had finally taken its toll.

You know when you get those thoughts? The scary ones, where realisation creeps up behind you and ensnares you in its trap, leaving your heart pounding and your mind racing as it tries to create any sense of coherence? I hate thoughts like those.

As if running late, realisation finally caught up with me, and an idea formed in my head that made my heart quake and my brain numb. Without a moment's pause, I ran to the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror.

I guess I should explain my actions here, you see, my soul is trapped in what is known as the Voidal Plane, where the concept of space and time are nonexistent, there is simply nothing, well, nothing but Magus Potential.

Magus Potential is how what we know as "magic" is created, magic can be anything really, as long as you have the brain to create it. Everyone has the potential to create magic, it's just that most never realise it, or choose to ignore it, mainly out of fear for the unknown, what humans don't know, they fear, and because of this, shut it out and pretend it doesn't exist. Heh, what idiots.

Magus Potential cannot be manifested or controlled without a mind willing to manipulate it, the more adept the mind, the easier or more powerful the manipulation of Magus Potential becomes. There are many ways to enhance the mind's flow, intense mental training, or through certain enchanted objects, amulets, robes, or in my case, a book.

Once one comes into contact with an enchanted object, the user's soul is transported to the Voidal Plane, so that there is a much stronger link between the user and Magus Potential. However, because of this, the user and the object are now bound to each other. So, if the book were to be harmed, it would affect the user's physical state, and if damaged enough, the user would die. This also means that the body of the user is much more endurable, due to the link between the two objects. You can kill someone without breaking their enchanted object, but it is much more difficult.

While an enchanted object cannot affect a user's mental state, the state of mind CAN affect the object, weakening it or in the worst case, breaking it. When this happens, the user's abilities become less powerful, as the bond between the object and user is now weak. The user also becomes weaker physically, due to the damage from the book.
Luckily, it can be restored if their mental health is restored to its prime. Of course, the issue is: if a person is so far gone, can it be restored at all?

Anyway, back to the story,

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