Part 14

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I stared ahead in utter shock, the familiar sensation of pain swarmed me yet again. Causing my nerve endings to begin screaming out in an unholy choir was now louder than ever, every single limb of my body was engulfed in a blazing frenzy, apart from the ones I'd just lost, of course.

I was losing blood. Fast. Too fast for me to manage. My eyes drifted over to the child, he wasn't wounded in the slightest from the explosion. What's worse, he seemed much more powerful, there was no way I was going manage to win now. Not like this.

I could do that.
"No. That's a last ditch effort..." I murmured to myself, with no other real sense of aim in mind for what to do next,
"Yeah, because now definitely is not the time for a final move," I replied.
Great, the blood loss was literally driving me mad.

"Screw it, if I'm going down. I'm going down with a bang."
I locked eyes with the kid, "Come on now! I'm not finished with you. Come at me you fucking brat!"
This got his attention. He turned and grinned at me, "With pleasure."
He suddenly flew toward me at great speeds, faster than ever before. Faster than I could ever imagine, but, like I'd mentioned earlier. He was fast.

But all too predictable.

"Fire Special, Final Move: Absolute Carnage!"
I drew all Magus Potential within me, all of the Magus Potential in the surrounding area. I felt all the raw energy pumping inside me, ready to burst.
I roared my final battle cry and threw my fist forward, it had ignited and was protruding a furious and almighty flame. In that flame held all I had, every last bit of determination, every bit of anger, and every bit of will to succeed.

Both our fists connected, his to my chest, and mine to his right cheek. It would have been a marvellous fireshow to have witnessed, then again, if you were in the area, you'd have been incinerated.

Every bit of Magus Potential within me had now released itself, exploding in a variety of different colours that would be seen for miles. I saw him recoil, and then be completely obliterated by the blast, it had torn off most of his cheek, and the fire ensured he wouldn't be escaping from it.

And then it all ended.
The carnage, the fury, all of it.
We were back in the street.

The place looked generally unharmed, well, apart from the huge chunk of road missing from the area.

I looked up at the kid. He and I were both still standing, well, whatever you could call standing. In my case it was much more balancing on one leg. We were utterly damaged, bruised and beaten. I saw his mouth move slightly, and he began to speak.

"How about we call it a tie?" He chuckled, coughing up blood.
"Yeah, I think that's pretty fair." I joked, clutching my bleeding arm, trying to stop myself from fainting.
"Thank you..."
"For what?"
"That fight, I've never felt so alive in ages."
I laughed, "Ditto."
"Hey, can I ask you something?"
"What's your name?"
"I'm Jordan"
"Nice to meet you, Jordan. I'm Hojo."
"Hojo? Strange name."
He smiled, "At least mine sounds the slightest bit original."
"Ouch, I'm gonna need some Aloe Vera."
"Hahah... Good one." He collapsed onto the ground from fatigue.
"Good... Fight." I murmured, hitting the ground as well.
My eyesight was beginning to blur, and I realised I was slipping in and out of life.
The blood loss, I hadn't managed to contain it.
My eyesight was hazy...
So... So Hazy.
And then they drooped, hung, then shut.
I lost control of my body.
And then lost control of everything.
I was no longer conscious.

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